Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12: Are you ready baby?

Chapter 12: Are you ready baby?

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Lillianna's POV

"Get up sunshine!" I heard the rough pounding on my door, along with Negans edgy voice. I groaned at the noise and forced myself out of the bed.
This is what I wanted, to do something, be something.

"I'm up!" I called out, struggling to get my clothes and boots on. The boots wore on the sides showing me that I need new ones before these basically fall apart.

"Go eat breakfast and meet me at the front door, East side! We leave in twenty!" Wow. I'm suprised, for their was no nickname that time.

Making my way into the food hall, I noticed many saviors staring at me, some in curiosity, others in disgust. I didn't know why some had those bad looks. Like what did I do to them?

Scarfing down the eggs, bread, and milk. I finally started making my way towards the front. On my way though I bumped into a big man on accident.

"Oof! I'm sorry!" I said sincerely, giving a small smile. He scoffed at me, and there was just something about him that gave me that sense of... familiarity. He soon kept walking, and I did the same. He was rude, and I didn't need to worry about that. I needed to focus on training today.

Negan kept to his word, standing their in all his scary but charming glory, as he barked commands and held his beloved bat up on his right shoulder.

"Well there she is! My little baby face! Glad you made it. You and I are gonna be going to this little course I set up a little bit outside the gates. Now Timmy, Jim, and Jack are already there getting it ready for your aśs to train. Any questions?"

Damn. He didn't even take a breath. It's like he practiced it. I nodded, but stopped when his eyebrows furrowed in. "Words baby, use that tongue." He licked his lips with those last words. Nasty.

"No," I swallowed the knot in my throat from all the stress. "Sir." I finished off, I needed to be brave yet calm. Come on I can do it.

"Good, follow me."


"Okay now you wanna make sure to hit the bag this time sweetheart." Negan joked, standing tall and mighty, Lucille gripped in his hands as her top lays on the floor.

I roll my eyes, holding the knife again in my hands, aiming straight for the slowly swinging bag that was tied to a tree by a rope. Negans men walking the area to ensure their leaders safety.

With a quick release of air I threw the knife where I assumed it would his the bag, however it did not land in it. It did however slice the bag open.

"Better, but think babyface. A deadfreak coming towards you needs to be dead, not a fücking haircut. "

"I know! I'm trying. Can't I use the guns again? I at least shot the bags." I pleaded. It's not like we didn't have the bullets.

"No. You won't always have a gun, or bullets. You need to defend yourself. If that was a biter, you'd be dead, gone! Do you want to fûcking die? Huh!?" I could tell he was frustrated with me. But I just couldn't do it.

With a loud sigh, he marched over to me, grabbing the knife he threw it quickly at the bag, scaring me by his sudden movements. Straight in the center. Oh.

"You need to learn, try again." He snaps. I grab my other knife, and throw it, nope. Shït.

"Okay. Fine. The bag isn't scary enough. You need motivation. Jack!" Negan hollers, and just as always one of his bitches comes running over to it's owner.

He whispers in his ear, Jack nods and quickly runs off. I sigh in frustration, as Negan just stands there and looks at me.

"It's rude to stare."

"You're fun to stare at."

His stupid childish behavior makes me so mad, I wanna smack him. However I wanna live more so I'll just mentally hit him. I hear groans coming from the trees, I look over in caution, and I see Jack dragging a biter by a chain, towards us. The hell??

"Awe just in time." Negan backs up, farther away, leaving me in the middle of the training ground with a walker coming towards me. It's rotten flesh making me want to gag.

"Let her go Jacky." And with that, Jack releases the walker, and it's coming straight for me.

"Are you crazy?!" I scream, clutching my knife if my hand. Scared to move.

"Throw the knife or die. Hurry baby." Negan taunts. I feel my heart thumping in my chest and I'm sure they could hear it.

"I can't!" I cry out, my fingers sore, griping the knife.

"Now!" Negans screams at me, and with that I feel my adrenaline rushing through my veins, I throw the knife. It goes straight through the right temple. Thank the lord.

I'm breathing heavily, as Negan walks over to the dead corpse laying on the ground, he grabs the knife out of it's skull, and turns to look at me.

"Out there, you can't hesitate. You will die. I don't care if it's one of these freaks or some living fücking losers that are gonna kill you. You have to do it. You take whatever is holding you back, and you kill it. If you don't kill, you'll die. " He warns me, I nod, tears swelling in my eyes.

I didn't want to die, I'm just so scared. What if I screw up?

"We're gonna keep practicing. Till you get it right. You will not walk out thay gate to scavenge till you know how to protect yourself. You hear me? This isn't some shít you can screw up. It's life and death baby."

And for another three and a half hours, I threw knife after knife, hitting the bag quite a few times. I went back to guns, shooting the swinging bag as it got faster. I needed to do this. I needed to show him I could survive. I'm a survivor.


"I'm actually proud of you today dollface." Negan said, licking his lips as they turned into a grin. We were walking the hallway, for Negan insisted on walking me to my room, for whatever reason I don't know.

"Well thank you, when can I go on a trip?" I question, extremely excited till I hear him scoff at me.

"Slow your fückin' roll babyface, you still need more training before going out there." What?

"Why?! I did good! I can kill them you saw!" I defended, quite upset by his words. I could do this now.

"Look, you're doing good, but I ain't sending you out there. Do you wanna end up like your brother?" I stopped walking. The hell did he just say to me?

I think he realized his mistake as he stopped and turned around to look at me, tears swelling in my eyes. Regret swarming his own.

"Shít dolly- I didn't mean to-"

"Didn't mean to what?! Remind me he's gone! Fück you Negan." And with that I shoved past him, walking quickly to my room, I feel him grab my arm and before I know it I turn and you hear a loud slap in the room. I slapped Negan. Shít.

He grabs his cheek, shocked at my actions. He wasn't the only one.

"Leave me alone, Negan."

I ran off again to my room, as tears rolled down my face at the thought of my brother.

Heyyyy! So this one is longer than the last as promised. It's actually good this time ahahaha. I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know whatcha think! Comment and Vote!!!! Till next time. - xx tiff

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