Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15-

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Chapter 15-

The Ugly Truth

*Caution violence and graphic context may occur*

Third Person's POV

Another. Another. This is the 15th time that the man has hit her. Bruises scattered across her once light skin. Blood covered her eyebrows, nose, and lips. In fact she could taste it. Lilly was crying, begging for him to stop but that didn't stop it, no. One of the brutal and unmerciful men stopped the beatings.

"Enough Lew, we need to draw him here. Get some real revenge," The scruffy man looked over at her, giving her a toothy smirk. "Keep her breathing.... for now."

The man, Lew, backed up to take in what he had done. Before the end of the world, he would have never layed a hand on a woman in such a harsh way, but now all humanity was gone. One could only tell Lilly was still alive by her moving chest and the soft, yet audible cries escaping her lips.


Freaking out. Negan was. He kept shouting at his men to find the girl. For thoughts ran through his mind. 'Did she run away?'

'Did she get taken?' He got his answer as he saw the fresh blood on a rock, sitting by a tree, not too far from where last saw her.

"Simon! Jared! Get your assès over here! We got outselves an idea!" He yelled out. The men running to serve at their leaders side.

"Sir could that be her blood? Perhaps it's walker?"

Smack! The man was hit with the end of Lucille causing the man to groan in pain.

"Shut your fûcking mouth! I ain't an idiot! Do you take me for an idiot?" Negan grolwed out, ready to release hell. He didn't know why this made him so mad. He has lost people before, but with Lilly. He felt resposible and guilty if something happened to her. She trusted him with safety and he failed her.

"No sir." The man sputtered, clutching his aching abdomen.

"Good. Now look everywhere! And I mean it! These asśholès don't realize that taking what is ours, gets you killed. Find her." Negan swung Lucille up onto his shoulder. His anger taking over. He never felt like this before, so frustrated. So.... scared.

"You know, you would have gotten him killed. You're little man with the bat. Probably others." snickered the asshole as Lilly tried to block his voice out.

"We've been watching ya, for a bit at least. It's sad really. You even got your brother killed."

"Shut the héll up." Lilly snarled, only to have her faced gashed with the knife.
"Fûck." Lilly spat out, feeling blood drip down her face.

"Aha look at you, completely helpless. You're gonna die. Just like my brother did. But you're gonna suffer the times worse." Another slash. More blood. Another cry in pain.

"Boss!" A man came bursting through the door. "Kevin got shot!" He said, sweating from obviously running. His hand resting on his gun in his pants.

"Shít, go get Lye, and get rid of these aśshöles. I'll deal with her."

Nodding and running out the building, the man turned back to the almost unconscious girl. "Time to go bïtch. Lets let your bleed out. Leave ya for the walkers."

And with that he stabbed her on the thigh causing her to scream out in pain.
Taking out the knife, he grabbed his stuff and ran out the door. Out of her sight. Crying in extreme pain, she could feel herself slipping into a darkness. Her eyes blurry and head dizzy. She didnt even notice the tall figure that walked in.

Negan took down another man, making sure he wouldn't turn by bashing his head in with Lucille. "Take that you nasty shïts!" He bellowed.

"Negan!" His head turned to see Simon calling him, heading hid way. "She's in here." Without running and looking like an idiot, he walked extremely fast.

Nothing shocks Negan, however the sight before him caused a slight gasp for air. There sat Lillianna, bleeding out from multiple wounds.

"Shít doll, what'd they do to you?" he whispered. He grabbed a cloth from one of his men, wrapping it around then holding it in place with one of his belts. He heard her cry in pain as he looked up at her hurt face.

"Joel take Ed and grab the trucks! Bring them up to this cabin! Hurry the hell up!" No one wasting anytime, they hurried away to follow bosses orders.

He grabbed a bottle of water from one of their bags, and another cloth. He poured the water on the cloth and wiped away blood on her face.

"Don't worry dollface. We killed them all. All of them I promise. We'll get you to Nate and Carson. You'll be okay. You fückïng hear me? I'm sorry." Negan admitted, smiling at her face with less blood. She smiled at him.

She couldn't see great, but she knew it was him. He made her feel safe. She trusted him. He wipes the cloth slightly against her lips. Her wincing in slight pain. "I'm sorry."

She tried to speak, but nothing came up, her throat hurting from all the crying. Her eyes swollen from tears and the beatings she received.

Resting his hand on her cheek softly, he admired her. Her beauty and strength. He hated people no doubt, but inside him he knew. He couldn't hate her. His lips finally pressed softly against hers. It was breif. Nothing heated. But she felt it. He felt it. They felt that bond.

She was gonna be okay. Pulling back he smiled at her. "Let's get you out of here."

There ya go! Some of my sadness for all of you people. But that ending thoughhhhhhhh awww. I ship them. Of course i do. I wrote this. Anywayssss. Comment! Vote! Cry with me about 8x08 ending of TWD. Yeah!!! All the love as always - xx Tiff

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