Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten:

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Chapter Ten:

Hearing the clang of the iron hit the floor sounded like hell to my ears. Negans eyes were squinted with a devilish grin tugging at his lips. But this grin didn't seem genuinely happy, but angry and upset. I watched from a far as he took in his work. I did the same, but instead of grinning like a mad man, I felt like vomiting.

Their faces were burned on one side, scarred and gushing with falling skin and the bodies liquids. Tony and Rony had passed out from the pain. However it hurt a bit to see the one who had spoke up crying and sobering at his marks upon his chest.

"Oh shut it Alenn, you're a lucky man! Be thankful you only got some cuts. You could be like your buddies their, yeah the ladies ain't gonna ever wanna be near them. But you? You get to live. You have only a few slashes so really you should be thanking me." I rolled my eyes in frustration at Negan. He found any time was okay for his sarcastic comments.

I still sat on the stairs, eyes puffy and stomach churning. I kept an eye on Negan, watching his every step while most of the crowd turned away, shocked at what they had just witnessed.

When Alenn did not reply to Negan, he got angry and slammed the top of Lucille into the ground, withdrawing his sharp knife once more. I stood up only to be pushed down onto the steps once again by Simon, him shaking his head at me.

"I said. You should be fücking thanking me, prîck." Negan seethed, bringing the knife near Alenn again. Alenn scared shïtless started sobering and spitting out his words.

"Thank you, t-thank y-ou so much sir. T-thank you." Shaking on the ground I felt genuinely bad for the guy. He did right in the end and is getting punished and humiliated. Was torturing who we are now? No. It couldn't be us.

"Negan!" I call out to him, his head whipping over to me, dark eyes causing me to cower back a bit. "Please, s-stop it. You did enough." I beg of him, his gaze never leaving me.

After what felt like forever he turned back to Alenn, putting away the knife and yanking the trembling man by his collar of his shirt. "Consider this your trial. Justice is served, you ever lie to me again, keep a secret. You're dead prīck."

Alenn nodded frantically, scared to upset Negan once more. Negan dropped the man on the floor before shouting at everyone.

"You hear that? Justice is served. Rony will meet his fate and all will be square. I'm the fückīng leader and I make the rules. Breaking the rules will mean punishment. Let this be a lesson to you all. I'm in charge. Got it?!" He roared as a following of 'yes sir' and agreements were released from the crowd. They all sounded terrified. They weren't alone for I was terrified at who Negan was. Was this the worst he could do?

After the whole punishment thing went down, I found myself moping around trying to take in all that has happened. I see the look on people's faces as they slowly make their way back to their jobs. An old lady, with a pitiful look, was leaning over as she cleaned up some of the blood on the floor. I hurriedly make my way to her, grabbing the mop in her hand, and help her stand better on her feet. She shouldn't be doing this.

"Here let me help you." I tell her, she looks up at me, giving me a small smile.

"Miss Lilly, n-no need for any help." She whispers at me. She knows my name?

"You know my name?" I question her, she gives a small nod.

"Y-yes. You're very helpful around here. Mr.Negan-n also speaks fondly of you."

He talks about me? Since when? When he locked me up in a cell?

"Yeah- well I got this from here, please go rest for me." I insist her, but as she shakes her head I hear a cough behind me.

Spinning around in concern, I come face to face with him.

"What are you doing?" He asks me with his arms crossed over his chest, Lucille hanging loosely from his right hand, swinging back and forth in the air.

"Helping, clean up your mess!" I started moping in-front of him, kind of like a defiant act but all he did was laugh at me.

"My mess? I helped you if I remember correctly. Besides those bástärds deserved it."


"He lied to me. I don't let that shìt fly baby-face and neither should you. I spared his life and his face." He finished his little explanation with a loud sigh. A sigh that tells you when someone is frustrated or irritated. He has no reason to be irritated in me.

"Look I'm not saying to let anything fly but-" I begin but am cut off when he marches over to me, taking and tossing the mop to the side before putting a hand on my back and leaning in... close to my ear.

"Can't we talk about this, privately dolly?" I could practically feel his little grin, and I most definitely felt his warm breath his the side of my face causing goosebumps to rise... everywhere.

Stepping back, shrugging off his hand and looking straight at him I gave him no satisfaction when he received my answer.


With that I picked up the mop and started mopping again. The poor old lady was standing there the entire time. She was so afraid to abandon her job in fear of a reaction from the beast, she just stood there in shock.

"Please go sit down, I got it here." I assure her, I wouldn't let him do anything to her. She was old and shouldn't be hurting herself cleaning up this blood.

I could tell Negan was still standing there, glaring at me and I bet if looks could kill, I'd be in my grave. What surprised me most though was instead of yelling at me or even taking it out on the lady, he walked over to her calmly.

"Miss. Quinn, go help with laundry would you? Don't worry about this job anymore. We can discuss your new job with the others in the laundry department, that sound okay?" His voice was.... gentle and calm. I didn't know whether to be happy or frightened to death. He could be a deadly monster either way.

"Yes, Mr. Negan... sir." Then the poor old lady walked away, heading towards wherever he sent her as he turned around to face me.

"Hows that? Dollface." I didn't like the way he said the pet-name there, it sounded dangerous.

"Miss. Quinn will no longer be on scrub duty, I'll assign someone else! Hey I know perhaps Tony or Alenn will enjoy the job, or one of those other shíthèads. Of course after their faces heal a bit, now be so kind Lillianna and join me in my fûckíng room." His voice snapped at the end, causing me to flinch, although I had a feeling. He wouldn't hit me.

"Please." Oh cool, he knows his manners.

"Fine." I breathe out, holding the mop out for his attention. "Where do I put this?" I ask looking around the room.

"Trevor! Get your legs over here!" Negan yelled out and not before long a tall man, dressed in all black stood front and center for him. I rolled my eyes at how he treated them. He was their leader, not their master.

"Finish cleaning up this fücking disgusting mess will you?"

"Of course, Sir." He took the mop abruptly from my hands and started cleaning. With that Negan again put his hand on my back and started leading me towards a set of stairs.

"Time to talk alone doll-face." He whispers closely to me.

This man gives me a headache.



Hey! I know it's short. Next one will be longer, I got most of it planned out so it shouldn't be too long before I update. Comment! Vote! They help me and motivate me to update faster. xx

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