chapter 6: the search

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No one pov
-Mead hall
Stoick has asked both Gobber and Spitelout to gather everyone in the meadhall for the discovery he have witnessed. Now that the whole village has gathered in the hall he began the meeting.

"Attention everyone, I called for a meeting now because... because I encountered... a horrifying my house... my son's room."

Everyone's faces turns from curiosity to a bit for terror when the 'horrifying' came.

Stoick explain the sight with blood-stained prints in Hiccup's room and the crowd gasped of the description. Stoick then lifts up a letter he had found back at the room.

Stoick then pulls up a letter he found back in Hiccup's room "and I found this in his room."

'Dear dad and all of berk
If you are reading this, then that means i am arleady gone. Either out of the village or off the island all together. The doubts, the scoldings, the betrayals, and the beatings, from 'almost' everone here.  all those things this village can only offer me. I know it was all because how my mom died and so how i deserve this. I just can't see myself belonging here anymore.

To dad,
I know i have never made you proud, made the you happy, and I can't be the son you've always wanted. All I can say is that I  am sorry that I have failed you from the begining.

And to all of Berk
I can't be the chief everyone would accept. I've ruined for everyone on berk and would possibly be the same. So, I am doing everyone a favor, leaving and never cameback. The useless is gone. And so, Snotlout can have my place since he is more a real viking. Hope you all know what you've wanted.

Sincerely Hiccup The Useless.'

The crowd turn to shame for everything they have treated the boy and now it resulted in losing a member, losing their heir. While Stoick is trying pull himself together he then recalls the word 'beatings'. This actually became a concern to him. He does know about how the village treats him but never physically. Could this equal result him to leave by force?

He then turns his head up and and faces the crowd "the word 'beatings' which he admits one of the cause to his leave, maybe forced him." The crowd gasp by his theory, even stoick knows but none expected his next motive on that.

"If I find out who physically hurt my son that too result his absence, I will send HIM, HER, THEM, BOTH IN CELL FOR LIFE OR LATER DRAGON FOOD!!!"

Everyone coward in fear of his rage. Especially the teens, they know they did half the reason why the now 'former' heir vanished. They now coward even more than the others after here their future punishment, IF they found out.

Stoick then calmed himself once again and spoke "now, the letter said,"BY NOW out of the village or off the island", he still should be on the island! So Spitelout! you and few vikings block the port and check every ship if hiding. Gobber! Have a search party within the village, bothing hiding and clues. The rest of the village, with me, and find him in the forest and shores. This meeting is dismiss now head out!"

Gobber and Spitelout nodded and signal their chosen search parties and everyone rushly exited the building.

-later, Noon
Astrid pov
It's been a couple hours since the meeting ended. I ,of course, group with the teens in the forest as part of Stoick's main search party. My group was actually in the rush of finding him, ironically not for hiccup's sake.

We were searching until we are distance enough from the rest of the party from both sight and sound. Luckly we are in a familiar path so we are not in a lost position so we decided to take a break right here.

Me and ruffnut just leaning on the tree. Fishlegs and tuffnut just stand on the side. Snotlout in center with a face ready to explode.

And then he starts a tantrum "AAAGGHH!!!!" and swings his mase at a near tree. "I swear. If we find that runt, he will think twice about snitching on us."

Then tuffnut spoke "dibs on the first beating!" But that triggered Snotlout "shut it you idiot! If the others heard that-!!!"

I step in before another duel riot starts "okay you two, we are distance from the others now. See it as a bright side."

And then Snotlout "yeah. Plus, I am now future chief!" And from there I began to question him "but are you loo-"

"HELL NO Astrid! I said 'if', all I know is that if he is out of sight, I get to be chief without any trouble out of him. And like I said, if we do find him we WILL make him think twice before snitching on us. I am just keeping out of the suspicions."

Then Ruffnut enters the convo "yeah Astrid. Aren't we all doing it. What good would come if we do bring that bag of fish bones back. Not better than Snotlout as chief."

-1 hour later

"Alright I think we've covered enough search so lets just go back" Snotlout spoke. Everyone agreed. Snotlout and the twins were ahead. I pause to see fishlegs stopped on his tracks.

I came to the larger fellow viking and ask in concern "um fishlegs? Is something wrong?"

He then turns start speaking panicky "I held him. That was too low. Astrid. Too low for myself!"

"Fishlegs, calm down. you're talking about Hiccup, you shouldn't feel guilty over nothi-"

"he was my friend. OUR friend Astrid. Even I turned against him. And what makes even worst, we made him quit being chief."

He actually said something that made me feel guilty. Uh. The just ruining someone's future part. "Listen fishlegs. What's done is done, there is nothing that can change everything for the future of Berk."

"Uuum. Astrid don't you ever think what would really be like if Snotlout was actually chief?" He add.
Actually I never thought of it that far.
What would be like if-

Oh my gods!

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