chapter 8: former allies and new ones

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Hiccup pov
I told Vork, chief of Waillan, everything from the reason of me being a failure to my tribe all the way to leaving berk with toothless right after Being chosen to kill the monstrous nightmare.

He nodded for understandment. He stood up and walk towards me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "I must say, I'm very sorry for what you've been. And I am also surpised that you are the heir of Stoick."

I nod "thanks sir. And I am not hear to intrude or anything like that. My elder, Gothi, recommended me to like stop by here."

"Well, as long as you don't reveal us to Berk, then you are welcome to settle Waillan for you traveling."

"Thanks-, wait. You just said my Dad's name. Did you met him before?"

He paused himself and walked right back on his desk. As sat in his seat, he began to explain. "Waillan was once allies with your tribe around 8 years ago. Until the year long freeze came and we were never to contact year long. That is until the Cross wings arrive 3 months before. We were first bewildered by them with dragons since we were once against dragons. But they demonstrate their skill with the beast to us to believe they didn't came to hostile at us."

"I see"

"And they presented us with tradable goods, some are both rare and can only be made from their island, and some are trade that they have are not from the archipelago."

These cross wings trade with others outside the archipelago?!

"They asked us for alliance agreement and we can see that they are a highly value tribe, it was something we can't afford to pass. And because the agreement, they send their troops here for protection. They even provide us with maps of other islands they have allied with."

I turn to the lieutenant "Yes boy, because Waillan is hours by flight, so we can provide guards easily. The allied islands near ours can have guaranteed support."

"I see"

I turn back to the chief "yes, their technology and aid have hold us in the last 3 months of the big frost. Once the seasons have return to normal, we realize that we have to stop contacting Berk. Because we know they have the strongest resistance against dragons. We were afraid if they found out we were allying with our once enemy, they would wage war against us."

I understand now. I remeber the long freeze. during their time, if the Cross Wings never showed up, Waillan would have perished. And the choice of trading one allies with another. If berk finds out, it would truly be an unwanted war.

"Don't worry sir, based on my situation., I swear to never reveal both your alliance and the Cross Wings."

"I appreciate your support."

Then a woman "Sorry to interrupt chief Vork. Traders for this week have arrived."

And Vork stands "Yes, thank you. I'll  be on my way."

The woman nodded and left.

And Vork turns to lieutenant "lieutenant, can you escort Hiccup to an inn for to settle here?"

"I will sir."

"Alright boys, I'm off now. Oh. And Hiccup? Welcome to Waillan."

-At the inn

After we picked up Toothless from the stables. The lieutenant has guided us to a suitable inn in the center of town.
We entered and it was a warm environment in it.

He told us that Toothless, is not a large dragon. So we can ask for rooms in the center.

anybody who has a larger dragon too big to roam in the halls must have a room in the perimeter with large outside porches for them to enter.

"Hey lieutenant? I brought my savings. I can take care of myself. I think I know a work for myself too."

"Well then, if you say so. And remeber the guards are always patrolling. If anything happens."

"Thank you sir."

As  he took off and waved goodbye.

I walk towards the the front desk and ask for a room. He said the price was affordable and gave me the key.

We walk upsairs. The halls were wide enough for Toothless to make a full turn. As we reach the second floor. The halls have a vikings pairs to groups having conversations. Few have dragons such as terrible terrors, a baby thunderdrum, two groncles, and speed stinger. I have never seen an inn welcoming dragons in certain big sizes.

We continue to find our room. We were even greeted by a few people along the way.

I found our room. I reach for the nob and and then.

"O- woah! Excuse me! Pardon me!" I turn seeing someone stumbling around, struggling on holding bags of flour up to over her head.

And then she lost her footing to blindly lean towards me! "OH NO!"  The top bag fell and landed on my head which made me slam back on the door. "Ow!" I still feel the healing bruises on my back.

The girl rushed into me "Oh my gods! I am so sorry! I hope I didn't got you hurt that bad!"

I just paused while staring at her face.

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