chapter 10: evening meetings

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-the same evening
Hiccup pov
Well, I got everything from my bag all set. The day is still actually young and I turn to toothless signaling me at the door. And so I thought maybe we should explore more of this town. I grab my fur vest and we make leave.

We greeted few viking on the way we exit the inn. And as we walk pass the the entrance door out of the structure we see the town with bright lanterns on these metal poles. Almost every body is out this evening having a good time. The air is filled with smells of cooked food ready for buyers, food that we never made back at berk, all unique. And again, a few people here with accents and I guess languages that I never even heard of. And final dragons and their riders of the 'cross wings' patrolling the town with dragons I never even heards of.

Berk has only seen 5 dragons out of the old dragon book and it shows around 10 of them. But here, there are like 15 dragon species that probably all of us berkians never even encountered before.

Some waved at me as say how I have guts to befriend a night fury. We continued walking down the town observing shops with different items and products. Fabrics, metal, and food with makes Toothless constantly nudges my hand for a late night snack.

I turn back to our direction and see a two way cross path (A/N: like a y-shape) in the center is a backery with people gathering to buy bread. And standing behind the front table handing out bread is someone I am actually happy to see.

Me and Toothless head towards the bakery and began to greet her "good evening May" and waved to her.

She turned to me and waved back and smiled cheerfully. After handing the last person her bread she then walks towards our area infront of the shops front counter. "Good evening Hiccup and Toothless. I see you decided to join the rest of us this time at night."

"Well, it is still our first day and, you know maybe see how the town is at night."

She nodded and an older woman behind her gestures her towards me (a potential customer) and May said "oh, um, well since you are here. Is there something that I  can get you here?" She asked politely.

"Oh, no. We just came to say hi so-"
And Toothless bobbing his head at a table with a basket of REALLY COLORFUL breads on top. "Well now I need to buy one of those for my bud."

She nod smiley and grabs one of the bread and asked how many and I asked for three. She came back to the front counter with our three breads and said "this is sweet bread, the dough is mix with honey and the top spread is berry jam." I looled at in awe. Sweet bread? jam?

I hand fed toothless his two and purred in satisfaction. I took a bite from mine and was left speeches. Normal bread everyday is nothing cpmpared to this. I look back at May waiting for a feedback. "This is amazing" I said with smile.

May looked away blushed and said "thanks." Wait. Thanks? She actually made this. I was about say something and then

"Looks like May is getting a boyfriend today!" We both fliched and turn back behind me to see a teen around our age just a few inches shorter than us with a wide smile. He too has a different accent.

He walked towards the counter asked one of the bakers for his order then look towards us. "So May who's the lucky gu-" and May rushes and covers his mouth with her hand across the counter.

"Naver, please not now!" She begged "and plus it's his first day here."

The guy then turn towards me "really? well then. My name is Naver" he said reaching his hand out.

I took his and shook "I'm hiccup"

He nodded and notices Toothless "is he yours?" Pointing at him.

I said "yeah, this is Toothless, my night fury."

He looked stunned from the last part and said "so they do exist. Awesome!" He said giving me a thumbs up. "Well since you introduced your dragon, here mine." He lean towards HIS dragon which his more bigger, bulkier, armored. It looks like it was built as a battering ram. The whole body was green but the face is blue "this is stomper, my rumblehorn"

"... rumblehorn?" I asked.

He nodded confidently while patting his dragon's head. A baker showed up with I believe to be his order. A big bag of bread but smells like cooked boar.

The rumblehorn nudges his elbow and Naver said "okay okay stomper, I'll feed on the way to meet with lieutenant."

"You're having a meeting with the lieutenant?" I asked

"Well yeah, I'm part the Cross Wings." I did notice his metal shoulder plate has the same symbol.

He hops on his dragon and lumbers their way.

May the turns to me "yeah, get used to his greeting surprises." She giggle as if she used to that welcoming.

-Back on Berk
Astrid pov
"What are you doing here DAGUR!" I scold at him.

"Well, my dear, Astrid I am here to give your chief of Berk important news!"

I just stare confused. Him. Giving important news.

Stoick then emerges from the gathering crowd. "What business do you bring Dagur!" He spoke trying to hold his ease.

Dagur then walks past me towards Stoick and said "well Stoick, as if you are noticing but the peace treaty is almost up! So I am setting it up early."

Stoick's face was shocked realizing it's actually true! The last sign was five years ago.

Stoic shook his head out of trans and said "if the next signing must be done immediately, THEN WHY YOUR FATHER, THE CHIEF OF THE BESERKERS SEND YOU AND NOT A MESSANGER, OR HIMSELF?!"

Dagur smirk and said "because I am chief!"



Everyone was shocked especially Stoick and Dagur continued "MY dad just retired recently, and I demand a sign in immediately because I have further plans that need to proceed from now."

Plans? He is up to something and I don't like it.

He snapped his fingers and one of the berserkers handed Stoick paper. Stoick skimmed through it but then his eyes grew wide and said "why is the clan ,OUTCAST, in this paper!" He exclaimed which made the whole crowd gasp by that clan name.

Dagur sighed in annoyance and said "you didn't actually read it didn't you? It says 'including the Outcast vassel.' Which means they are MY puppets now."

"WHY?!!!" Stoic yelled this time.

Dagur said "well, since everyone now knows that I am now holding the largest armada in the archipelago, why would they say no!"

Stoick looked down thinking that there is really thing he can do. He sigh in defeat and will sign it at the meadhall.

Dagur screeched in joy and so did the following berserkers as everyone but me heading towards the meadhall. Leaving me dumbfounded on everything that has happened today.

Hiccup, who was our original heir, GONE, BY A DRAGON. Snotlout is now the future new heir which is gonna be a problem. Dagur showed up,as the new chief of the berserkers, not only has still got us as his vassel with the Outcasts but also he said he has plans that will involved us as well. Could things get any worst?!

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