chapter 7: waillan

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-Before the search, early morning, east from berk
Hiccup pov
(YAWN!!!) It's just sunrise right now. I got up from sleeping next to Toothless' side sand stretch my arms.

Last night we camp on this small island for the night as we are making our way towards east.

I've decide to take Gothi's advice. I pull out a map from my fur vest and check the chart.

Hmm. We appear to be three days by boat away from berk. I'd say we are really making good distance. Now according to this map, we are at these really small chain of islands. To this Wailan island, we need to go further east and slightly south.

That's just a few more hours of flight. As I observe the map more, Toothless nudges my arm asking for breakfast.

"Alright bud, let's have a quick bite. And then we'll finally make it to our destination." He bobbed his head gleefully.

-Few hours later

We've been flying since breakfast for hours. Until we see something in the horizon. This must be Waillan! We speed up to notice the closer we are getting, the larger it is!

This island Is around 10x bigger than berk! I am now more eager to explore this whole new land.

We passed the beach and flew above the forest until we found an opening area.

As we landed we decided to take a break. Toothless rest beside a huge rock in the middle of the area while i just scan the perimeter. I just observe this resting area and then I see two figures from the shadows of the trees ahead.

I step back a few feet and two more figures apearing to be behind them. The first two shadows appeared to be men and and the two larger ones behind them are...


These two vikings approaching are wearing very unique armor. On there shoulder and chest plate shows an identical symbol. A dragon-type symbol the two spears crossing it behind (image above).

I step back more quickly until they both appear out of the shadows. One of them spoke up "state your business, boy."

I gulp but then toothless came beside me. And so i finally reply "um. We, well, I am from berk. We came because, well, now both of us now tell that we are not welcome anymore."

They both turn to each others, giving questioning faces and whispering. One of them turned back and gestured me to come along. "Come boy, there is more we need to clear."

Great. Probrably because I mention Berk. They probably even know about
Berk's constant problem.

We are now following the dirt path with the guards and their dragons behind them. They began to asks me more questions.

"So, based on the night fury beside you, you were banished?"

"Um. Well? I... ranaway, before my final exam, which was killing a dragon." They both stop.

One tall guard then said "do they know about-" "knows sir, they know nothing about my dragon. And if they did, we wouldn't be here." They both nod at me as understanding. Then I mutter more "I was a disappointment before dragons." I look back at them as their eyes grow wide.

"I see" the tall one nod, knowing that there is more to my story than the whole dragon situation.

We all proceed until we see an opening of the forest. From the distance we see small objects. The further we walked, they became houses. The village.

Actually, as we pass throught the main entrance the buildings were more taller than even my once family house. These buildings gotta be 3-4 stories tall. Their mostly inns. And in corners markets, forges, and dining places.

This is more of a town. And the town is alive with all of its citizens. Some speak languages I've never even heard of, maybe there are foriegn places beyond the archipelago.

As we continue to walk by we passed by more guards on top of more Dragons! And all of them wearing the same symbol. There were even dragons that I've never even heard from the old dragon manual back on Berk.

Finally we reach to the far end of town to a large building lining up with statues in front of it. This must be their townhall.

-chief's meeting room

One guard stayed at a near stable where they keep the dragons when their riders are in the  building. Meanwhile me and the tall guard are about to meet the chief of Waillan.

In front of us is a large tall man with wide shoulders and strong muscle arms.  He had brown hair with a big scar across the left side of his face.

As we walk up to his desk, the chief stood up and place his right hand in front of more for a shake. "Vork Jeggorson, chief of Waillan."

I return the hand shake and introduce myself. "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock... the third."

He then groom his beard and looking at the ceiling "hmm, Haddock ...
That sounds familiar." Really?

"Please take a seat." And we sat down.

Vork turn his attention to the guard.
"So lieutenant, what is the meaning of this?"

"Chief Vork. This boy has left from this island called Berk, on his own."

The chief became shock "really?"

"Well, not literally, he came with his dragon companion, which I believe is part of the reason why they both are here."

"I see"

"And me and my companion decided to bring him here, because, despite his connection with dragons, he is still from the tribe that that oppose them fiercly. We decided to keep caution."

"I understand why you must bring him to me and don't worry boy, we are just trying to avoid a possible war."

I nod "I'm alright with it, sir."

"So Hiccup tell me about you and why you decided to be here."

Well, I  guess it's story time.

A/N: 8 chapters, 149 reads, 14 votes! I would like to give a shout out to @MissMadoka and @EvanyWolfgirl for great support on this story. And please check out my other stories. See you at the next chapter, and I am fossilize for now.

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