chapter 9: new crush

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Hiccup pov
"I'm so sorry! I was hoping I didn't stumble into someone. Are you okay?"

I just stare. Her face is beautiful with her gentle shy tone. Her straight brown hair down pass her shoulder and her emerald green eyes highli-

"Are you ok?" Growing her concern.

"Oh! Um. Yeah not too damage." I got myself up and hand dust my fur vest. "Yeah, it's okay. Did no harm."

She quickly nodded and started picking up the one of the bags of flour and opens the door which I believe she lives. So she lives across the hall!

She place the first bag on the nearest table as she gets the rest in one by one.

I decided to help her "don't worry I'll help you." She nodded and guided to her dining table.

We finished gathering all of the flour and we just stood silent until I brole it "sooo... I am Hiccup, hiccup horrendous haddock, I am new." (Roar!) We both turned to the front door giving Toothless' attention. "Oh sorry bud. And this is Toothless, he is my nightfury."

She lightly giggle and introduced herself "my name is May. May Nornison." "Nice name." And she look back to hide her blush.

"So... what's with all this flour?"

"Oh. I am one of the bakers from the local baking market. Sometimes they assigned us to bake after work to increase selling inventory later on."

"I see." I nod

We just stood still just staring a eachother until I broke again "Well... I should best be going. I'll see you later." She nodded and exit myself out.

I closed the door and facing toothless winking at me. "U- uh. What are you looking at " I said sarcastically leaving him gruntly chuckle at me.

I now finally open my room to see an empty living room with a bed, a table, and some selves. It's spacious too. I could set up a bed toothless as well.

I reach the table to unload my backpack. Food, notepad, clothes, and some runes, enough for us to stay for a few months.

I now finally rest on my new bed since I slept on hard dirt last night. I stare at the wall at the sealing while hearing toothless probably gorging the last fishes.

I think about my situation right now. People on Berk probably are searching for me right now. At least I am days away by sea. Then,the Cross Wing's island hits me. A whole island of those like me. Maybe, I should ask more about it later.

At least I got a warming welcome. Waillan seems to be in good shape. We can stay here a little while longer.

I even got a nicer neighbor. Well, and maybe the nicest girl I've met in my life. I get this feeling that I want to get to know her more. We live across the hall so I shouldn't rush. She probably is starting her baking right now. Tomorrow I'll talk to her.

So far we are now away from Berk, settling a forgotten island that they would never think of, I won't have to deal with that horrible life and Tootless will never be harm.

And as for Berk, they are prabably celebrating for "the mistake", "the poor excuse", or "the useless" finally gone. Dad now has an heir that he can be proud of for being a "real" viking. And never worry about all distasters during, before, and after dragon attacks.

I am starting to see everthing is running smoothly. I don't know one thing that can have everything go wrong. Well, since I'm gone, not my problem.

-back on Berk, the search
Astrid pov
(Sigh) it's been hours since we started searching in the forest. Me and the other teens were behind Stoick and the other adults and Gobber completed his search and has catched up with us.

The farther we go in the woods, the anxious Stoick is getting. I hope we could find him soon... FOR STOICK'S SAKE! He is just not important to me!

Then Gobber walked up to his side. "Don't worry Stoick, we'll find the lad."

Stoick was too focus to respond until we reach huge bolder wall. Stoic gestured to hault. He looked down and seeing footprints. Those are from viking boots, my age size, Leading towards the bolder wall. We kept following through a norrow space between the huge rocks until we reach the other side. But the opening was blocked by... A SHIELD?!

Not just any shield. That's Hiccup's. I know that because I saw him holding it from the day after the first nadder training.

Stoick widen his eyes and spoke "Hiccup was here. This shield was displayed in our house. He budged the the shield out of the way until we all entered a cove lookingk pond surrounded in a rocky ridge.

Stoick walked further ahead of us until. We all notice something gleaming in the pond near shore. Stoick step in the pond until his hand was in then out of the water holding a dagger.

Stoick said "this was Hiccup's, he never leaves his dagger."

I turn back on the shore until I see stains... of blood! Stains along with Tracks. Dragon tracks!

"Stoick!" Gobber shouted. Stoick rushed in to where we were. We now witness a whole scene. Long blood trails. Dragons claw marks almost everywhere. Scorched burned marks only a dragon can make of this. His dagger.

Hiccup! He was-


-Later that evening. Meadhall

We can't confirm if Hiccup was dead. Or not. All we know now is that he was take by a dragon. Just like her mother.

Ever since the search, Stoick has not been himself, just at his house the whole day.

We also found black dragon scales and hold on to them as a clue for further investigation. I just hold one for myself.

I can't believe this had happen to him.

I know this was something I can easily ignore but... I just... he was my friend... maybe more...


I just got up from my table "(sigh) I need fresh."

I walk out of the meadhall full of depressed viking after the findings. But I couldn't blame them.

I stepped out of of the meadhall and seeing three viking from a distant as in entering the village. But they are not from here. There were two big viking and in front of them was





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