merch prices

13 1 0

Don't you get so pissed off when new merch from which ever fam you belong in brings out new merch? It is always so expensive and everything you see you think to yourself " I need all of this!". It is so unfair, when ever there is merch it is as if that person owns your bank card or your cash savings. And don't get me started on sales. When there is a sale that is when you actually buy the merch and you end up spending more money then you would if there wasn't a sale. The other day Kayla (the co-owner of this account) asked me to buy her 2 pieces of merch from different bands. One was a Ukulele and the other was a skateboard. Like, why would they even sell a Ukulele if the band has nothing to do with Ukuleles or skateboards. My point said, merch needs to be cheaper.

3am thoughts// olive5soselsdWhere stories live. Discover now