certain purvey teachers

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So the secondary school I got to is an all girls school except from 6th form and a few male teachers. Some teachers (including female) are right purvey bastards to be honest.

I'll start with my history teacher. Now, it is not just the lessons he teaches us in but others that I have been told about. My history teacher always has boners during lessons. Now, I have narrowed it down to a few people in my form it could be: me, my bestest friend who left on Friday. This is just disgusting and teachers should learn to control themselves.

Next is my games (P.E) teacher. He is always looking at our butts during and after lessons. What is worse is that he has a daughter in the year above me. I feel so sorry for her to have him as her dad. Also, he is always wanting to have us take off our jumpers and wear shorts/skorts during lessons. I think that says enough really.

Finally, is my German teacher. She is Austrian so she has been brought up as a child with the German language which makes her very mean in lessons when we don't know something. She also flirts with my friend (If you have read the previous rants then she is the one who fell down the stairs and pulled several ligaments). She is always complementing her and saying she is amazing at everything we do in the lessons and that she is too smart for our form. The only outstanding she gave out of our form in our report cards was to my friend. Outstanding is the highest mark you can get.

That's my rant over now, and if you are a teacher reading this, don't be purvey, and if you are one of my teachers listed above, the sorry mates, you should be sacked.

3am thoughts// olive5soselsdWhere stories live. Discover now