homophobic people

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Definition of homophobia : irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals.

I. hate. homophobic. people.

I dont care who you are, wether you are my friend, a stranger, a store worker, an astronaut or the godamn president; you should never. ever. be homophobic.

what did they do to you? nothing.

how is their sexuality/genger/indentification/pronouns going to affect you? its not.

being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual, transgender, polysexual, demisexual, pansexual ect. does not define you as a person, it just shows who you want to have romantic attraction to.

I totally support the LGBTQ+ community, since I believe that love is love, and you should be able to feel attracted to whoever you want.

all people from the community should feel safe, but homophobic people are stopping them from doing so. you shouldnt be scared to come out or tell people about your sexuality. everybody should be comfortable, and able to feel however they want to.

so, if you are homophobic, kindly shove your pathetic opinions right up your ass, because nobody wants, nor needs to hear them. kind regards, all humans on this planet.

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