seeing your teachers in public

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So, this hasnt just happened to be but i'm pretty sure it happens to most people. In fact it happened to my best friend with the same person. I'll tell you her encounterment in a minute but first, mine because i am really selfish. So me and my mum were in Hallmark and i look over the card stand and right there is my head of year with her son. I start having a full on panic attack and i just try not to get myself or my mum seen by her. Thankfully, we went to pay and we were out there so quickly. Later on, we were walking down this center path thing and i looked to my right, there was her again eating ice cream. Unfortunatly i think she saw me - well, it is pretty hard not to spot a 5 foot 10 inch person in a croud of people 4 inches smaller than you. I just kept walking. Now onto my best friends encounterment. She was in Tesco with her dad and it turned out that she was really close by our head of year. She started panicing and wanted to leave the shop but she was the one holding all of the shopping. The next thng she knew is that our head of year was smiling at her. I honestly felt so sorry for my best friend. Yet another rant over.

3am thoughts// olive5soselsdWhere stories live. Discover now