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my names kayla.

i like music, art and tv shows

but most of all, plants.

i. love. plants.

every kind, every colour, every shape.

every. single. one.

theyre so adorable, and pretty, and its like a little thing you can work for to look after (none of this will make sense lmao its only 12:19am dont judge) and water, and just be there for.

succulents are the best things ever

theyre really low maintenance, and all you have to do is water them every fortnight (thats how I do mine, anyway) and they look so cute. every time i go to the little flower shop near where i live, i always walk out with some form of mini cactus or succulent, or even a new pot for my plant Olive (yes its named after my best friend and co-owner of this account. again, dont judge).

i have a problem.

but yeah. plants.

3am thoughts// olive5soselsdWhere stories live. Discover now