school stairs

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This might seem a really random topic but the stairs at school are lethal. It all started 2 weeks ago when I was coming down from science. There were a whole class for year 10 or 11's but they weren't pushing or anything. For some reason I slipped and fell quite hard onto a concrete floor. I didn't hurt myself too much thank god (basically I have injured my back but my parents don't care enough for me to get it looked at). Unfortunately, why would a year 10 or 11 help a year 8 up off the floor, how obscured.

Then it brings me onto last week. My friend was walking down the stairs and also fell down the stairs (different stairs though). She was at the top of the stairs and rolled down to the bottom of the stairs however. Her leg was twisted upside - down and she had to go to the hospital. She has torn the ligaments in her ankle and foot.

The comes last Friday. I was coming up from the canteen when there was this other girl sat on the steps leading up to my form room, I asked if she was ok - she obviously wasn't because she was clutching her ankle. So me being the kind person I am ran to get a teacher then ran to reception to get the nurse. By the time I got round to eating my chips they were stone cold. I don't know how she is now though because she is in an higher year than me at school.

My point is that we haven't even made it to Christmas and there has already been 3 stair related accidents. Dear schools, please make stairs safer.

3am thoughts// olive5soselsdWhere stories live. Discover now