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Now, I go to the cinema at least once a year, but there are certain things I hate about them. First of all, the smell of popcorn. Now I know a lot of people like popcorn and like the smell, but if you are like me and hate both, then you have to be in a room full of it for the next 3 hours. And don't get me started on the chairs. Now I know a lot of cinemas are changing their seats to massive comfy ones that recline but if you go to the normal shitty cinemas then you have to be cramped right up next to a random stranger that always uses both arm rests. Also, for other people or yourself to get to your seats, the whole row of seats basically has to stand up to let you by and even then you might as well be in a relationship you are that close. Then you have the little kids who somehow got let in to see that movie when they are clearly underage to see that movie, they laugh at everything - whether that is someone kissing or someone beating the crap out of someone. That is what I will be doing to them after the movie if they don't shut up. I know from past cinema experiences that the cleaners clearly don't know what they are doing because the floor is always so sticky and I even found some money underneath one of the seats. Finally, adds. I understand that company's have to sell their products somehow and a cinema is a great place to advertise them but not when the sound volume is higher then you get for the actual movie. Also, they repeat so frequently that it would cost less to buy the item then watch the adds over and over again. I think that is it. Don't get me wrong, I love to go to the cinema but this is just all too much.

3am thoughts// olive5soselsdWhere stories live. Discover now