There is this boy...

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So, there is this boy that my best friend Hannah introduced me to over Snapchat. We get along so well and we really like each other. His name is McKenzie and he is in the year above me. He shares a birthday with my favourite celebrity - Michael Clifford. Me and McKenzie are about the same height. I have so many feelings towards him but I'm scared he doesn't feel the same way even though he is constantly telling me that I am pretty and we always tell each other that we really like each other. He doesn't want to rush things and he said about a week ago that he wants to get to know me better before we take things any further. The thing is now I feel that we know each other quite well. He hasn't been talking as frequently but that is understandable because he is currently in Ireland on holiday. I'm hoping one day we can be a thing. I like him so much. This is kinda creepy though and I hope he never reads this haha that would be awkward. Oh well. That's it for tonight I think, I might write one or two more rants.

3am thoughts// olive5soselsdWhere stories live. Discover now