Year 7's

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I know that some people who read this are not familiar the English education system but a year 7 is basically someone who is between the ages of 11 and 12 just after they have gone to a new school (secondary school). Secondary school is where ages 11 - 16 have education. Now, I go to a grammar school because I am one of the top 25% smartest students in England. Basically the school is mostly full of rich kids who went to really good schools. I would say that the year 7's are the worst for 1 reason only. They think they rule the school. Every year when a new lot of year 7's join the school, they are so organised and have funky locker DIY's but they don't really understand what secondary school is like. When we (the older students) say to move if you are standing in the corridor, we mean to not just stand there having a chat because surprise, we need to get to our lessons. And when we tell you where a classroom is, actually listen to us because we are not trying to make you go to the wrong room. Recently me and my best friend had to help a whole form get to their classroom but they didn't listen. And today, a year 7 decided to swing her (I go to an all girls school) bag into my face. I feel like I have ranted quite enough. I really do hope you are/were not one of these such annoying people.

3am thoughts// olive5soselsdWhere stories live. Discover now