My year 8 art exam

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The other day I got really upset. With my art exam. I got an average effort grade and a quite low level for the standard that I should be at. This is hard to understand unless you have goals and dreams in life involving art. I want to go to Plymouth college of art and the become an art teacher. This is why I set myself a higher standard. The amount of time and the amount of effort I put into that exam and that was all I got. People who don't even like art got way higher marks than me and that is why I got upset. I need art for the career that I want and you say that you don't like art/ aren't very good at it and yet you get higher market than someone who's life depends on art. I suppose I should have chosen something else to do and I suppose I should just stop moaning and carry on with life but when I got home the day I found out, I just burst into tears as the "what if" questions filled my head. Like what if they don't give me a place at the art college? What will I do if I don't become an art teacher? What will I become? I'm sorry that this rant sounds bitchy but I have had some stuff happen recently and every emotion is just on its own roller coaster and crossing paths with others.

3am thoughts// olive5soselsdWhere stories live. Discover now