Chapter 10

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Lizzie's POV

Niall sings along with the song perfectly. His voice is phenominal, it reaches all the notes. He should be a musician or something traveling the world and selling our venues, not here. He glances over at me and winks at me. I turn away blushing. THis would be a good time to get to know him. I wait for the song to end and turn down the radio. Niall has a confused expression on his face.

"GOing along with the lines of the song,  whats your secret Niall?" That was smooth Lizzie. Mental facepalm.

"W-Well I dont have one."

"What? You can't be serious? Everyone has a secret. "

"I dont."

"Ill tell you mine if you tell me yours. It will be save with me, I promise. Okay?"

I look at him. An i nternal arguement is going on inside his head. " Okay. YOu do promise not to tell right?"

"Of course."

He just smiles.

"My secret is that my parents have been divorced for 8 years, so I was sad and a bit depressed for a couple years afterwards. I found a kind of happiness that comes from music that made me feel better. It was there for me when my parents were too busy fighting and my brother was at work or school. It just makes me so happy." I tell him. I have never told anyone that but Gemma. It all came straight from the heart. I can feel tears building up.

"Elizabeth Im sorry. Im so sorry. Please don't cry. I cant stand when people cry." Niall said. His eyes full of sorrow and comfort. 

"No don't be sorry its not your fault. I've only told one other person that. Its just hard for me to talk aout sometimes." I force a weak smile.

"I would hug you righ now but we might crash so I'll wait." He laughs. I manage a small laugh. HIm knowing my secret makes me feel a little better.

"Now whats your secret Niall? I told you mine." 

Niall's POV

"Mine..right.." Do I tell her th e trith or do I make up some fake secret? She told me a real one....It made her really emotional..Thats it, I'm telling her the real one. " Um well you see My mum and dad hate each other becasue my dad drinks too much and my mum has affairs with other men when my dad is at work. Their fights are usually physical and I was usually the target. I've been to the hospital multpile times with different lies as of why, so the nurses wouldn't call the cops. I hate it Elizabeth. You are the only one who knows besides my neighbour." My voice cracks and I don't realise I'm crying.  

Lizzie isn't saying anything.  I knew this would happen. I knew sh e would think I'm some sort of freak. No. Wait. SHes pulling into an empty parking lot and stops the car. SHe looks over to me. Tears fill her eyes along with powerlessness. 

"N-Niall, I- I am so sorry. Oh my god. I-I-I just dont know why you dont leave? Is there anything I can do?" Her voice is cracking. 

"I haven't left becasue of Eddie. My little brother. He needs me becasue without me he will end up just like me. And I can't have that happening. He deserves a better life than this. Im waiting until I graduate and then Im sign the adpotion papers and we are leaving."

Out of nowhere her arms wrap around my neck and hugs me.  I slowly raise my ams and wrap them aorund her waist, she is shaking. She nuzzles into my shoulder, she salty tears soak through my shirt. 

"Ssh. Oh please don't cry." I whisper as I start rubbing her back trying to comfort her. The radio is still on. The harmonies of different artists and songs filling the car.

"This is the start of something beauiful. This is the start of something new. You are the one who'd make me lose it all. You are the start of something new." (This-Ed Sheeran)

We sit there together for so long, My eye lids become heavy. the hum of the speakers.  Her in my arms feels so right. Like its meant to be.


Hii! I cant believe that 2013 is almost over! Mad isn't it? haha. Well this chapter took me a while. Sorry if its bad. I felt like Lizzie and Niall needed a fluff moment so thats what happened. Enjoy it.

DOnt forget to comment and vote and all that jazz. Love you lots stay safe in the new year :D

Emily xx

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