chapter 28

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"WEll Ms. Reeds I have some bad news for you.  it appears to be that you have severe tibial stress fractures. You will need surgery."  these words rang in the silent room. bouncing off the walls. each echo caused as much pain as the very first.  this is why I didnt want to go. this is what I was afraid of. what am I supposed to do now? my mum is standing there talking to the doctor, flailing her hands like a mad woman. niall is standing next to me with ed. i feel his hand close around mine. his thumb rubbing the back of my hand in small circles. 

"ms. reeds, these fractures are very large and are usually extremely pain. how were you not in agonizing pain? " my eyes blink a few times, each blink slowly bringing me back to reality. " i-i just thought it was my shin splints acting up. I was a little thrown off at the pain because they usually arent that bad, but I assumed it was because I didnt stretch. " I explained as I wringed my hands around in my lap.  the doctor nods in understanding.  silence takes over the room once again until my mum pipes up with the question that i have been dreading since the beginning. "will she be able to run the same after the surgery?" concern and distress strangle her normal voice.  the doctor wrote some things down then look up to the frantic woman standing before me and then shifted his eyes over to me. " you wont be able to run at all this season. and if youre lucky, like very lucky, you should be able to run like you used to with the help of rehibilition. "

each word he said was like a bullet to my heart. what was I supposed to do without running? yea I know I hate it sometimes, but I cant be without it. tears brim my eyes and spill over and down my cheeks. Niall squeezes my hand but I don't feel it. I feel nothing but the heartbeat in my chest.  the throb of my heart in my legs has stopped and disappeared just like my hope. my whole body goes numb and my jaw clamps shut. the rest of the visit is a blur. my mum sets up my surgery day and tells me to call coach greg when we all get home and explain the situaction. after that my memory creases to work. it doesnt want to rememeber anymore.  and I don't blame it.  if I could just shut off and forget this whole thing, I wouldve right from the beginning.

my mind begins working again sometime during the evening.  I am laying on my bed doing homework.  I dont know even know what subject is or if im doing it correctly.  i send a text to gemma telling her what happened. and then call coach greg. he picks up on the 3rd ring.

"hello?" "coach greg. its lizzie." "hi lizzie. what are you calling for?" I inhale deeply. " Im done for the season." "what? why?"  " severe tibial stress fractures is why.  im going to surgery on wednesday. " " lizzie im very sorry to hear that. I was really looking forward to having you captain this year." "im sorry im letting you and the team down." " youre not letting anyone down. these things happen.  theres nothing we can about but get you the help you need. now just rest and feel better. bye reeds." " bye coach"  click.   

I set my phone down and close my eyes. my hands press against temples. i take a sharp breath when there is a knock on the door.  "come in." the door creaks open to reveal a small sad boy. ed walks into the room and stops in front of me. he stands there a moment before throwing his little arms around my body. he squeezes with all his might.  I hug him back with just as much energy.  he steps back, " Elizabeth, you gave niall and I lots of hugs when we were sad and scared until we felt better so im going to give you lots hugs until you feel better. "

"thank you. this made me feel si much better." I choke out. for being 8, this kid is alot wiser than his years. we stay in the hug for a few moments, until he pulls away. "are you feeling better elizabeth?" elizabeth....niall must have told him to call me that. " you know what Eddie I am. thank you.  and you don't have to call me elizabeth. lizzie is fine." his young face scrunches" but niall said i should call you that." " well im telling you that you can call me lizzie.  niall only call me that ti get on my nerves."

"what do I call you?" niall appears right on queue and leans against the door frame.

"nothing." I singsong as I smirk.  Ed giggles and plobs himself on the bed next to me. "is that so elizabeth?" "yea it is. niall now back off." he just huffs and crosses his arms across his chest. "sassy arent we?" he retorts as he cocks an eyebrow. "you know it."  "niall shes funny. I like her." ed exclaims. "well good. and you wanna hear something?" eager nods from both ed and me. "I like her too. " heat creeps into my cheeks. a stupid grin forms on my lips. he just said he likes me. but was it a like like you or I like you as a friend? he acts like he like likes me but he also acts like how a guy friend would. ugh boys are so confusing. but girls arent much better.  i swing, well more like pick up and slowly drop my legs to the side of the bed. a look comes on nialls face. "you arent going to try to walk by yourself are you?" he says as he unhitches himself off the frame. "um yea. I have to go wee. which requires that i stand up amd walk to the loo or I piss in the bed." "ok here let me help you" he says as he comes over to me and wraps my arm around his shoulders.  ed hops off the bed and graps hold of my other arm and they help me get to the bathroom. 

its about 1030 at night and niall is sitting at the foot of my bed. he is adjusting the ice packs that the doctor said I should put on my legs before I went to sleep. i hate this. not niall but having people do things for me that I am usually very capable doing. its like my burden on other people and there is no way that I can repay them. Debts that i will carry forever, even if they say its nothing. it gets me so frustrated. "ELizabeth? what are you thinking about?" "what..nothing. why?" "i dont know you had this look on your face like you were in deep thought or angry." he shrugs. " Oh nothing. i guess. Just thinking."  He nods in undertanding. "Niall you can take Debbie to school tomorow." " Im not goign to school tomorow. I talked to your mum he said i can stay here to help you. I will borrow it so i can take Ed to school though." "Oh okay. then we shall party like the Geordies tomorrow." II throw my hands in the air and wave them around. "Oh definitely.. Well Im going to bed. Ill see you tomorow Elizabeth." He gets up and walks over to me and hesitantly leans down and kisses my forehead. "wait Niall. Sing me something please?"  "Sure" WIth a sigh he begins to sing in his angelic voice,

"We'll do it all. Everything. On our own. We don't need Anything Or anyone.

 If I lay here. If I just lay here.Would you lie with me and just forget the world? I don't quite know How to say How I feel Those three words Are said too much

 They're not enough If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

 Forget what we're told Before we get too old Show me a garden that's bursting into life

 Let's waste time Chasing cars Around our head

s I need your grace To remind me To find my own If I lay here  If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world? 

Forget what we’re told Before we get too old Show me a garden that's bursting into life 

All that I am All that I ever was Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see I don't know where Confused about how as well 

Just know that these things will never change for us at all If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world?" (Chasing Cars - Snow Partol)


Hey Frriendships!! On time update 2 weeks in a row! go emily! /(^.^)/ Partayy. 


well thats it. hope everyone has a good week! :*

totsiens vriende

Emily xx

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