Chapter 16

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Niall's POV

Lizzie walks upstairs to shower. I'm left alone on the couch, so I browse all the channels until I find something that interests me, Doctor Who. THis episode has matt Smith in it. He was one of my favourite doctors because he acts like I do. Broken and hurt.  "Asylum of  the Daleks" is playing. I love the Ponds. They will go to great lengths of time and space to find each other.  Someday I'll find someone who love me like Amy loves Rory. 

Lizzie is standing on the top of the stairs. Her long hair is dripping on her shoulders. She walks over to the couch and sits down rather close to me. I can smell her shampoo. Green apples.  We watch the show and talk alittle  about school, the Doctor and anything.

There is a soft light in the room, almost like a glow.  Lizzie has her knees pulled up on the couch and her head on my shouder. My arm is around her waist. I'm not sure how we ended up like this.  She doesn't seem to mind it though. I look downand meet her shining eyes. She looks tired and worn. 

"Niall, could you sing me a song please? Your voice is fantastic." She asks sleepily.

"I would be delighted to. What song?"

"Hm. I don't care. Pick one." She sighs. I smile. I know exactly what song.

'I wish my heart was always on her mind. 'Cause she's on mine like all day, all the time. forget me not, forget me now. I've come too far to turn around. I'm here tonight. 'Cause I'm never going down, I'm never giving up. I'm never gonna leave. So put your hands up. If you  like me, then say you like me.' (Say you like me- We the kings)

Lizzie is about to fall asleep when I finish. There is a glassy look in her eyes. 

"That was really good. You need to sing more often." She whispers. 

"You look tired Elizabeth. You should probably get some sleep." 

"Well its not my fault you are so comfortable. and that I had practice today." She yawns. What did she just say? She is actually enjoying laying on me. She is probably just overtired. I look over as I am about to answer with some witty comment, she is passed out. I brush a strand of hair out of her face and she nuzzles further into my shoulder. 

I check the time on my phone quickly. 4:36. She said her mum wouldn'yt be home for another hour or 2 and that was at 3:30. I have a while before I have to leave. Might as well make the best of it. I wrap my arms around her and rest my head on top of hers. My mind goes fuzzy with the scent of green apples as i drift off to sleep.


I wake up confused for a few moments. Its weird not waking up at your house sometimes. I look down at Lizzie. She is so beautiful. Its so peaceful and serene. Picturesque.   I wish we could stay like this forever. Her phone buzzes and causes her to stir and wake up. Her cheeks are rosy and her hair is slightly messy. Her eyes meet mine.

"I always seem to fall asleep whenever you hold me." She smirks. Her smile drives me crazy.  "Sorry I fell asleep on you again. I don't know why I keep doing that."  Her eyes are apologizing. 

"I guess its just my good looks that make you faint." I chuckle. Damn I'm smooth. "And It's no big deal. I don't mind."  

"Oh. Okay. Good. If I ever do it again, just wake me up. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"I'll think it."  How could she ever make me uncomfrtable? I feel the most comfortable whenever she's around. She has this friendly aura around her that just makes you like you're at home.  I smile at her and she returns the favour. Her hand reaches out and brushes my cheek. The touch burns my skin. Electricity spreads though my body. 

"What time do you need to be home?" SHe asks, breaking through my thoughts.

'um..Ed should be home around 5:30. When does is your mum coming home?" 

She blinks her eyes and grabs her phone. Scrolls through the messages and types something back. 

"My mum will be home in 15 minutes. YOu can stay until 5:30 or I can take you home soon. Its up to you." She offers as she puts her phone away. I want to stay here, holding her close. But I don't want her mum or brother to walk in on us like this. They would get the wrong idea. 

"Could you take me home in a couple minutes? " 

"Sure! Let me just  get some shoes." She gets up and stretches and let out a small moan,  Her leg muscles tense and relax. "I'll be right back."

She runs back up the stairs and stretch. I walk up the stairs and bring the snacks to the kitchen. Lizzie walks in and smiles. "You  didn't have to bring  those up here. Are you ready to go soon?" 

"I wanted to. And yea. Whenever you're ready."

"Awesome. Let's go then.' She is always so peppy and happy. 

We walk out to the car and get in. The drive was quiet but enjoyable. We pull up to my house around 5:12. 

"Thanks for having me over today Elizabeth. i really enjoyed it." 

"You're welcome Niall. I enjoy spending time with you. You are much different than I thought you would be. Like dark and mysterious because thats how you act in school. " 

"Well thanks I guess." I laugh. "I enjoy spending time with you too, Elizabeth. I'll text you later. Bye." I say as I leave the car. 

"Bye Niall. Talk to you later." SHe waves and pulls out of the driveway. Today was a day I'll never forget. I can still smell her on my shirt. I walk in the door and my parents aren't home. Today just gets better and better. I head over to the kitchen and put a frozen pizza in the oven. All I have to do is wait for Ed to get home.


HEYY! this chapter took me forever to write! SO you better enjoy it. haha  My back hurts from hunching over my laptop. Oh well I'll be okay. :) They weather is getting bad here. If its bad where you are please be careful when heading out. I want y'all to be safe. Please don't forget to vote and comment! Love you lots! See ya laterr!

Emily xx

The Broken and Hurt (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now