Chapter 22

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Niall's POV

It reeks of alcohol and desperation. The bass of the music is so loud that you can feel it in your bones ( no pun intended) and leaves your wars ringing. The dance floor is so packed that you have to push people out of the way in order to get through.  The guys mostly come here to dance with some girl and take her to get lucky. Whilst the girls are here to either get taken home or are just  having fun with their friends. 

I work at one of the most popluar pub/clubs in Manchester. To work.legally you have to be 20 but a close family friend owns the place so he gave me a job only if i stay in back. So usually I stay in back working but sometimes I have to fill in at the bar, security, or as the bouncer in front.  Ritchie says im one of the best boucners he has ever had because I apparently intimidate the younger people trying to sneak in. which I find strange because im as intimidating as a penguin. He says its because of the scar in my neck.  I hate this scar so much. But tonight I am posted outside the door checking IDs,  kicking people, ad breaking up a few drunken fights. I havr the late night shift so I stay until the club closes at about 2 AM. After clearing everyone out, I head towards te bar and help clean up the cups and bottles.

" oi, horan, do ya mind locking the place up for me? I gotta head out." Ritchie asks holding the bundle of keys.

" yea sure mate." I respond as he tosses me the keys amd walks out. I continue helping the others clear up the place. After about  a half hour we finish most of the cleaning. the midday shift people will wash everything and set up.

As the last employee leaves, I lock the doors and shut off the lights. The first thing I do when I get to the car is turn on the heat. Its getting colder as we approach December.  I check my phone for the first time in hours for it is prohibited to be on your mobile during your shift.  I have a few notifications: Twitter, shool grade update, and a few text messages.  one from my mum asking when ill be home,  Ritchie's tells me to bring the keys by his house later and 2 from Lizzie. I reply to mum's and Ritchie's. then Lizzies.

*Lizzie: Hey you'll never guess what happened tonight?

wait dont answer that until your shift or whatever ends. I dont want you t ok get in trouble. :)*

oh news of sorts! I hope its good news. I type back a quick reponse without thinking. After clicking send,  I realise that its almost 3 Am. Shes most likely asleep and won't answer back til later. oh course.  thats just my luck. I sigh as I start driving to my boss's house. My phone pings during the ride.   ' Don't answer it. dont look at it. if you wreck the car youre dead. wait until you stop.' I kept thinking that as I drove.  I pulled into Ritchie's driveway after a few minutes and gave him the his keys.

" thanks mate. I should just get you a copy of these keys so we dont have to do this everytime.  ill think about it. see ya later horan." " that would be pretty nice and easier.  bye Ritchie. "

I answered my phone when I got back to the car.


*Me: Oh my god Elizabeth thats fantastic! congratulate them for me! and I hope I didnt wake you up.  I just got off work.*

*Lizzie: you didnt wake me up. iwas aleeady up. haha. how was work?*

I put my phone down for a couple minutes as i continued my drive home. I pulled into the driveway and went inside throught the garage. With a bag of crisps in hand, I went into my room. I changed into a pair of shorts and a hoodie. I put my knee brace on because my knee always started hurting after work. My hurt.knee is a result of a fght between my parents. I was pushed to the ground and landed weirdly on it. it has never been right since. My discarded work clothes lay on the floor. Jeans and a tshirt with the club logo on it. this particular shirt had 'security' written on the back in big white block letters.

The Broken and Hurt (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now