Chapter 1

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***Hi Everyone! Thanks for reading! :) This is my first story, so bear with me. lol i have lots of ideas. im excited. A bit about myself im 16 and i run track, love to read and fangirl. :) Ok thats it. Lets get to this story. :* mwah love you crazy nerds. xx**


Hey there. Im Elizabeth Reeds, but you can call me Lizzie. Most people do.  Im about 5'9 and I have long auburn hair thats frizzy. I have hazel eyes that are mostly green but there is some brown. i love to read and listen to music. I can be a bit of a fangirl when it comes to my favourite books, films or bands. Well, im a year 12  in secondary school and in the middle of first semester.My life can be pretty boring at times. Warning you now. 

"Elizabeth Rose! Get up now! You have to leave in 10 minutes or you'll be late!" My mum shouted to me. I was still laying in bed. I have been doing this very morning since year 7 and my mum still yells at me. She should know by now. I get up, brush my teeth, and  throw my knotted hair into a ponytail. I look around my room for my school uniform, a khaki skirt, Oxford shirt, and a blazer or jumper. After im dressed, i sprint down the steps into the kitchen where my brother tosses my my keys and an energy bar. 

The 7:40 bell rings as I am trying to shove my sport bag into my locker, it takes multiple attempts util i final get the door to shut. I practically run to my first period class, Physics, and sit down just as the final bell rings. My teacher, Mr. Keating, asks, "Ms. Reeds. Why are you late this morning?"

"I wasnt late. i made it into class before the bell rang."

Mr. Keaing just stares back and replies saracstically, "Try to make it here earlier,will ya?"

I just nod back and talk to my best friend,Gemma. i stop when i notice him in the back of class. He is that kid. The one who is mysterious and dangerous. He opens up to no one, he has family issues and a bad reputation. He mostly stays to himself and has a dark and tough expression on his face everyday. He is bad news and you have to stay away, but how can you stay away when he is so attractive. Niall Horan.  Blonde tips and highlights with brown roots. normally tacky on any other person, but on him its perfect. Eyes the colour of the waters of Aruba. Pale pink lips and a scar that runs from his jawline to the collarbone. 

My thoughts are interrupted when Gemma calls my name. "Lizzie! Earth to Lizzie." "What?" "The bell rang. Lets go we have to go to homeroom."

I turn back around and he catches my eye again. A smirk is played across his lips. he caught me staring. Shit! now he'll think Im Creeping on him.

Gemma and I take our seats in homeroom as the teacher takes attendance. 

"Lizzie, why were you staring at Niall? Do you like him or something?"

"W-What? no. no ! why would i like him? he has a bad rep. i dont need to get caught up in that!"

" You so do Liz. Dont even deny it. i can see it in your eyes. Ive knowwn you for 10 years. i think i know when you like someone."

My cheeks flush. I cant deny it. Whenever i see him i cant but help to smile. My stomach flutters and my heart beats a little faster. I know i shouldnt feel this way about him. He is just no good. The announcements are said over th speaker system and I zone out for the next 10 minutes. The bell rings and i make my way to Spanish 4 AP, i moved up year 9. SPanish is as boring as ever. The longest 45 minutes ever. The calss finally ends and i make my way out of the room. Some jerk rams me in the hall and my spanish text falls to the ground with my notes. AS i bend down to pick up my things, soemone is already picking them up. He stands up, its Niall. His eyes stare into my for mine for a split second before he says " here be a bit mroe careful next time Princess."  He walks away.

The rest of the day until English goes by in a daze. All i think about is what happened in the hall. His tourquoise eyes, the way his scar twitches when he talks adn the calluses on his hands. He has an accent not common to Manchester. It sounds Irish. Why is he here then? WHy did he help me?  

In English, Niall is sitting in the back of the room. I take my seat in the middle of all the chairs. We are reading Frankenstein and finding the symbolism in it.  Its not too hard but we could be doing more interesting things. I can feel eyes staring at me. I turn aand see Niall gazing at him. I suppose he is just returnign the favour from what happened in Physics. Mrs. Habercorn is writing possible symbols on the board when the bell rings. I put all my things back into my bag when Niall stands next to my desk.

"Did you get drop anymore things in the hall today?"

"N-no. I didn't. i was pushed earlier."

"Well thats not very nice no is it?"

"No i suppose its not.'

"I have to be off. Try not to get pushed anymore. Okay?"

i just nod as he leaves the class. I get up and walk to my locker and grab my books and sports bag. I walk to the bathroom and change then go to practice. Coach has us run 5 miles on the treadmill. I do sprints so I dont see why I have to run miles. I just forget it and put in my earphoens and press play. Monster by Professor Green starts playing. With this music and the events of today, these miles should be easy. 


A/N This is Chapter 1!!! yay! let me know how it is. i don't expect any votes yet. lol. any questions just comment. :) Thanks so much for reading. <3

Emily xx 


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