Chapter 17

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Lizzie's POV

I don't really remember what the drive home was like. All I know was that I was on some sort of high or just too tired to remember. All I really know is that Niall came over and I woke up in his arms again. His arms around my waist and his head leaning against mine. the warmth of his skin. It was just like the car ride yesterday when he told me about his family. He looked so scared and vulnerable.  Like I would hurt him too, but I would never do that.  Or could do that if I tried.  I couldn't sleep last night. Too many thoughts, about him and why his parents do this and his little brother. Oh his poor brother he doesn't deserve this. neither does Niall. Everything raced through my head. It's 3 am and here I am, wide awake and unable to think. I need  to tell someone about what's going on so they can help. but ... I  dont know if I could bring my self to recall what Niall told me. I should tell someone. would Niall care or would he be angry that I told someone. He would hate me forever. I am the only other person who knows what's going on. He trusts me not to tell another living soul.. ... he t-trusts me not to tell and I trust him to not tell mine. I cant break his trust. I am probably one of the only people he trusts. but why me? we hardly ever spoke in the 8 years we have gone to school together.  There are plenty of other people he could have told. .. or was I the first person to actually listen? Maybe he was screaming for help and for someone to listen but no one heard his cries or simply ignored him.  I never knew his life was like that. was I just as oblivious as the rest of world? Unable to see and too self centered to recognize his pleas.  He is alone with no where to go and nothing he can do but cower in fear with his brother as his parents shout at each other and threaten to hurt one of them. He just needs someone to listen and help. Someone to care. I just dont know if I am that someone to help. 

I climb out of bed and go downstairs.  I walk aimlessly around the house trying to clear my thoughts. But no matter how long I try to get rid of them, they continue to linger. I put on my trainers and run out the door. I feel my thoughts clearing with each step becoming not so clouded. The air is quiet except for my breathing and the muffled sound of my feet hitting the ground.  I have no idea where my feet are taking me, they just run through the town until I make my way past the school. Before I know it I am standing in front of a dark house that I was at earlier that day.  Niall's house. A night you would never expect the awful parents that live inside and scream at each other causing their children to be scarred for life. The dark masks what goes on. Like nothing ever happens.  A breeze whistles through the trees nearby. A shiver runs down my back. I look back up at the sleeping house and turn around. I need to make it home before anyone knows I left. My feet moving faster and faster. My breathing is getting more rapid. I make it home at 4:17 am. I walk upstairs. I pass out as soon as I make it to my bed. Comatose for hours after.

' Maybe you want him maybe you need him Maybe you started to compare to someone not there Maybe you want it maybe you need it,  Maybe it's all you're running from perfection will not come And all at once the crowd begins to sing Sometimes We'd never know what's wrong without the pain Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same' (All at Once- the Fray)


hey! I dont really know how long this is I wrote it on my phone. Sorry if its short :( I really didn't know what to write.  ok dont forget to comment ad vote :)

if you live somewhere thats experiencing this really cold ad snowy weather stay safe!


Emily xxx

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