Chapter 1

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Hi Guys

This is the first ever chapter of my first ever story I have wrote... I'm sorry if the punctuation isn't that good... 

I really hope you enjoy it. :)




*nooo I need my sleep*


Breakfast hmmm... wait... It’s not my birthday, I haven’t done a test lately, it’s not Christmas...

So why is my mum making breakfast?

As I sat up slowly in bed I could smell the most beautiful thing in the world... bacon and eggs mmm.

I swung my legs out of bed and decided to follow the smell into the kitchen. I saw my mum holding a frying pan placing the food onto two plates on the island.

“Good morning sweetheart” my mum said as she looked up at me.

“Morning mum” I replied as I walked to the island in the middle of the kitchen. Whilst I sat down in front of a plate I watched my mum put the pan in the sink and come and sit opposite me and start to eat. “Mmm this is really good mum” I said whilst chewing on a piece of bacon.

“Thanks sweetie” she said. She looked at me for a while and then sighed. “Your finally in year 11, your last year, my baby’s growing up so fast.”

“Mum please don’t I’ll still be going to the same school after year 11 but I’ll just be studying my A-levels instead”

“Ye but that’s different I mean high school your still my baby but college that’s when you stop being my baby”

“Ok mum I get it” I started to stand up, taking mine and my mum’s empty plates to the sink and started to wash them. “Urm... mum”

“Yes sweetie” she replied whilst looking at the newspaper, no doubt the finance section on about shares in businesses lately and the country’s economy.

“Why did you make breakfast this morning or even why... why are you still here?” I asked her quietly.

“Why do you want me to be at work?” she asked silently chuckling.

I turned around quickly looking at her “No no it’s not that I’m not glad I’ve seen you this morning... It’s just that you’re never here in a morning you’re always at work.”

“I just thought I’d drop you off at school today that’s all.”

“Oook... is there something else by any chance?” I mean there must be something. She never takes me to school because she’s always working at this time in a morning, I always walk to school.

“...oook... you got me. You know Emily the other boss of the department I work in. Well her and her family have just recently moved into the area. So that means I won’t have to go to work as early in a morning to discuss changes in the stocks with her. I can just go to her house in a morning which also means I can drop you off at school too. So if I was you I’d go and get ready for school before your late.” She said as she looked at her watch.

“Umm...ok” I said shocked. As I ran upstairs I thought over everything: my mum still here this morning, my mum making breakfast which she never does, her work partner moving here, the biggest shocker is that my mum’s actually dropping me off at school for a change.

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