Chapter 34

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Hi Guys 

The picture at the side is a collection of the presents that Hayden bought everyone except Jake's ->

Hope you enjoy :)


Over the past couple of days I had been spending most of my time with my mum seeing as I had been spending a lot of my time at the garage with the guys including Becki or just with Jake. We had spent the last two days and nights just lounging around on the couch eating popcorn, chocolate, crisp and everything else whilst watching all the latest films. I slowly stretched as the bright sun rays shone through the blinds. As I opened my eyes I had to quickly close them due to the sun that hit me right in the eye. I groaned and turned on my other side before slowly climbing out of bed. I walked downstairs to see my mum sat at the island with the newspaper in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.

“Morning” I said whilst putting some toast in the toaster.

“Morning... what are you doing up so early?” She asked curiously. I took the orange juice out of the fridge and quickly poured it before placing the lid back on and placing it back in the fridge. I waited for the toast to pop out of the toaster before walking back towards the island.

“Jake asked if I would help him with Christmas shopping today” I said whilst taking a bite out of the piece of toast.

“Oh ye”

“Ye I mean it’s good because I can get my presents as well.” I said to her whilst finishing off the piece of toast.

“What time is he picking you up?”


“Shouldn’t you be getting ready then?” I looked at the cloak on the kitchen wall, above the doorway, and noticed that it’s 8:30. I quickly put the plate in the sink and ran towards the stairs so then I could get ready whilst hearing my mum laugh in the distance at my franticness.

I came out of the bathroom and walked straight towards my room. I grabbed my boots and quickly threw them on under my jeans so then they would keep my feet warm due to the chilly wind outside. I grabbed my thick coat that had fur around the hood with a scarf for my neck. I grabbed my purse and my phone, which I had left on charge whilst I was in the bathroom. I shoved it into my right coat pocket and walked towards the stairs. I walked into the kitchen just as Jake had knocked on the front door. I grabbed the jar from the top and took £70... what I like making sure I have enough money on me and especially this year as my mum had agreed that we should buy the guy’s presents as well. I shoved the money into my purse which I then placed in my left pocket. I turned around and walked down the hallway to see Jake stood there talking to my mum.

“Morning” I said as I approached them.

“Morning” He smiled at me.

“Are you ready?” I asked as I zipped my coat up.

Jake nodded whilst opening the front door for me. I stepped onto the front step and waited for him seeing as the driveway looked quite slippery.

“Have fun” My mum said before closing the door. I walked down the driveway whilst holding tightly onto Jake’s upper arm... which I’ve got to say is huge.

“Hayden... you don’t have to cut my circulation off” he said whilst smiling at me.

“Ye well if I go down on the ice you’re coming with me.” I said whilst nervously walking along the ice towards his car. Thank goodness he’s parked his car closer than usual. We reached his car and he helped me walk around the side of the car to the passenger side.

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