Chapter 12 (Part 1)

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Hi Guys...

I thought I would post this chapter as well as I feel guilty for not posting one earlier on in the week due to my college work getting in the way. 

Sorry this chapter's short but I cut this one in half as I wanted to leave you guys on a cliffhanger at the end :)

The video on the side is by one of my favourite bands in the whole world... Cobra Starship and the song is called 1 night. (It's linked in with the story so there is a reason why it's there it's not something random) ->

The picture at the side shows the guy's cars ->

(The top left hand sliver one is Scott's car, the red Mazda MX8 is Blakes, the bottom light blueish porsche 959 is Jamie's and the last one if Alex and Emily's Audi RS5) Hope that helps and I'm so sorry that the picture is so big but I don't know how to make it smaller without it looking to small :)

Hope you enjoy :)


I’d just wrapped a towel around me when I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. I looked around me quickly to try and find an item of clothing and found nothing... awesome. I rushed onto the landing as the doorbell was being rung repeatedly. “HOLD ON” I shouted. I looked at the time on the clock near the door... 5:40... crap I didn’t know it was that time. I walked over to the door.

Please please please don’t be Jake.

I opened the door, whilst finding my body behind the door, to reveal Jake looking amazing as usual wearing his jeans and a white Hollister shirt which showed off his muscles so well.

“Crap” I whispered. That caused the smile on his face to drop.

“What’s wrong?” he asked concerned. He took a step into the house which caused me to take another step behind the door.

“Urm... well I just... got... out the shower. Aanndd I’m not ready... at all” I said slowly.

“Ok” he said shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll just wait down here for you don’t worry.”

“O...ok” I said blushing whilst closing the door and walking upstairs. I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked upstairs causing my face to literally turn into a tomato. I rushed into my room and closed the door. I ran over to my wardrobe and looked for something to wear. I grabbed a pair of jeans, the only thing’s I ever wear, and looked for a decent top. I kept looking causing me to virtually be part of the wardrobe and found a vest top that I could wear.

I grabbed my underwear and quickly threw everything on. I rushed over to my mirror and looked at my hair it looked like it usually did, slightly wavy and a bit of a bedhead look so I decided to just run my hand through it and leave it alone. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and ran downstairs.

 “Sorry for being late” I said when I entered the living room.

I saw him gulp and clear his throat “Don’t worry about it... I came early anyway.”

“Ok” I nodded. “Shall we go?” he nodded and stood up off the couch. God you could actually see his god-like body underneath his shirt if you looked close enough. I gulped and tried to focus on breathing. In... out... in... out... I think I’m good... for now. I grabbed the front door key off the table at the side of the door and locked it as we walked out. I climbed in his car and heard his stereo start playing Cobra Starship. Ok this is creepy I listen to muse and Cobra Starship what’s going on. How could he be playing two of my favourite bands in his car each time that I’m in?

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