Chapter 33

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Hi Guys...

I just wanted to say I know a lot of readers are waiting for Jake and Hayden to kiss but when I first ever started this story I knew straight away when the perfect moment for them would be to kiss and that moment isn't yet... Don't get me wrong they will have there moments together but they just won't kiss yet ... sorry but I hope you still enjoy the rest of my story to come :)

Hope you enjoy :)


I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I slowly dragged myself out of bed. I still couldn’t get rid of the thoughts of last night... I mean I nearly kissed Jake. I needed to tell someone today just to get it off of my chest. I couldn’t tell my mum because I know she would say something like ‘oh fate is taking its course’ when I don’t even believe in fate and she’s convinced that something will happen to me and Jake. I couldn’t tell Emily seeing as she’s Jake’s mum and she doesn’t even know as much as my mum. I couldn’t tell Brooke because no doubt she would tell Jake and I couldn’t tell any of the guys because they would tease me till the end of the Earth and possibly give Jake hints about the conversation I’ve had with them. Urg... I guess there’s only one person left and I knew she would tease me about it but I needed to tell someone.

I grabbed my phone from the side table and quickly scrolled through the contacts until I found Becki’s name. I texted her telling her that we should meet at Starbucks in half an hour. I quickly jumped into the shower and threw on a pair of jeans, a checked shirt and my jumper from Abercrombie and Fitch before running downstairs with my phone in my hand. I walked into the kitchen to grab some money out of the pot when I was met by my mum and Emily sat at the island with a cup of tea in their hands.

“Morning sweetie” My mum said.

“Morning mum... Emily” I said.

“Morning Hayden” Emily replied.

“Going somewhere?” My mum asked. Do you know when you have the feeling where you’ve just walked into a room of people and they were talking about you before you entered?... Well that was what I was feeling right now.

“I’m just going and meeting Becki at Starbucks.” I told her before putting the money into my jeans pocket. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.

Hey... where are you? Becki xx

I’ll be there in a second Hayden xx

“I’ve got to go” I told them. I waved before walking out of the kitchen.

“Bye Hayden” I heard Emily shout.

“Have fun” my mum shouted after her.

As I came to the front of Starbucks I could see Becki stood outside trying to warm up as it was winter at the moment and it was very windy and I’m guessing at least 5 degrees outside.

“Hey what’s with the sudden meeting?” Becki asked me as I approached her.

“I’ll tell you inside” I said whilst opening the door and walking in.

We ordered our drinks and sat at a table in the far corner where no one else was sat within hearing distance. We sat on the soft chairs facing each other with a coffee table in between us.

“Ok will you explain now?” She asked impatiently.

“Well...” I said looking down. Ok Hayden just tell her. “InearlykissedJakelastnight” I quickly said. I could see her eyes widen. She nearly dropped the porcelain cup, which she was holding, on the floor.

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