Chapter 21

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Hey Guys...

The picture on the side is a picture of Holly, Jamie and Blake's racing cars. The top one is Holly's, middle one is Jamies and the bottom one is Blake's ->

The video at the side is the song Arizona by the 100 monkeys (Which is the song that Hayden plays in Jake's car) ->

Hope you enjoy :)


Jake’s POV

I climbed into my baby and turned the switches on for the NOS... I don’t even know why I have NOS for the car because it can go fast enough without it but I guess having the NOS hooked up in the car adds to the whole collection. I thought of Hayden’s smile and the shade of red that her cheeks turned whenever I looked at her. God I feel like a creep for admitting this but I can’t help it... I actually think I’m falling for Hayden Smith. I mean she’s the most incredible girl I have ever met and her smile... I mean my day could be the worst possible day you could have in existence but then when I see her smile it just makes the whole day a lot better. I know what you think... God you’re a guy so be a guy stop being so clique but I can’t help it. I finally give in because I don’t think I can fight it anymore... a 16 year old has made her 21 year old freaking teacher fall for her and just by being herself. URG...

Come on Jake focus... if you don’t you’ll lose and you don’t want to lose because then you won’t impress Hayden and this is the first race she’s been to, and hopefully she’ll be coming to more of them in the future. Although, then again, I don’t see why you want to impress her because if you do win she still won’t be impressed as she only thinks of you as her teacher and her friend. She’s not the type of girl who would go after her teacher... she’s too innocent, sweet, caring, fragile, amazing... Right Jake come on don’t think about Hayden for the next couple of seconds.

I looked at Wayne, who was the guy who always started our races, and waited for him to give us the go ahead. I held my foot down on the clutch and released the pressure on the accelerator. I revved the engine just to hear my baby sing to me. Yes I know I’m a freak when it comes to cars but it is my passion so what do you expect? I looked to my right and saw the guy I was racing literally sat their panicking. He reminded me a little of me when I first started racing and how nervous I was about this whole new world.


I dropped the clutch as fast as possible and felt my car shoot forward. I released the accelerator making my baby’s speed increase which made the needle on the speedometer reach towards 150mph. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw that the guy was way behind me. I looked back down at the speedometer and saw that I was now driving at 200mph at the moment. I could see in the rear view mirror that the guy was catching me up which the only way he could have done that was by switching his NOS on. But  I found it pointless as I was already too far ahead of him. I looked through the front window and saw that I was a couple of feet from the finish line. I then flicked the NOS on which felt like a kick in the back accelerating me up to 220mph straight across the finishing line. After I managed to bring the car to a stop I took the keys out of the ignition and climbed out to be welcomed by a crowd full of congratulations. I could see Wayne walking over towards me. 

“Hey man... congratulations” he said whilst shaking my hand and then handing me the money I had just won. I looked through the crowd for a specific person that I really wanted to see.

Hayden’s POV

I walked through the crowd with Blake to try and find Jake to congratulate him with his winning. I actually can’t believe how fast he drove... I mean I knew a McLaren was fast but I didn’t expect it to be that fast. I couldn’t get rid of the smile on my face due to my happiness of Jake winning. I looked around and could only see men full of muscle all crowded around each other. I’m guessing there were more than 200 people here. The best part about this was that Haywood’s a small place and everyone knows everyone but yet I didn’t recognize a single person here. Blake was still pulling me through the crowd when I felt someone grab hold of my other forearm. I turned around to see a guy smirking at me whilst waggling his eyebrows. His friends who were stood around him were laughing whilst looking me up and down. I felt Blake pull me but yet the guy pulled me back making me feel like a ragdoll. Blake let go and walked to where I was stood. He looked at the guy and everyone stood around him.

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