Chapter 39

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Hi Guys...

Hope you enjoy :)


For the past couple of weeks I had been going round to Scott’s nearly every night to help Jason revise. We had recently done two science exams and an English literature exam for the people who weren’t re-sitting English Language. I hadn’t come across any tricky questions so far. At the moment it was early February morning and all the students were sat in the assembly hall waiting for Mr Green to finish his speech.

“Students as this is your last year I hope you all know it’s the most important year especially with exams coming up...” He carried on telling us that Year 11 was the best year but it was also the toughest year. We had heard this speech every year but he told us of what we should expect of Year 11. I mean he must be bored of telling us this speech over and over again isn’t he? I looked to my right and saw in the front row were all the football players and their girlfriends. I noticed Amber sat there playing with Jackson’s hair. Was that... ye it was... Ben was actually sat at the side of her playing with the edge of her top. How could she cheat on Jackson and not feel guilty about it? I mean I have no sympathy for Jackson at all but I don’t understand how she can do it and get away with it.

 “Right I do have some good news for you all though” He said which brought me back to reality. Wait Jake didn’t tell me about this. I sat up and paid attention to what he had to say. “We have received your results today and you will be given them in your first lesson.” We had are results... what? He carried on rambling about something until he told us that we could go. I stood up and walked down the steps of the seating area in the theatre and started to head to Maths with Becki.

As we entered the room I saw Jake sat in his chair holding a number of brown envelopes in his hand. He turned to look at me and Becki and smiled. We walked towards our desk and sat down.

“Will you calm down” Becki said as I couldn’t stop bouncing in my seat. Jake was sat there laughing to himself about my reaction.

“I can’t help it... Becki our results are right there... aren’t you excited?” I said whilst pointing to Jake’s hand.

“Yes I am but not that excited” She said. I looked at her for a second until I decided to turn back around and watch the brown envelopes. Everyone started to slowly walk into the room and sit down. Why are people taking their time? Don’t they want their results?

“Right class settle down” Jake said standing up in front of the class. Everyone soon settled down into their usual seats. The football players at the back slumped in their seats. The girls sat up with a straight back to try and show off to Jake. The geeks were sat at the back with their notepad out ready to take notes on anything that Jake said that might be important. “So as Mr Green said you will be getting your results back today from your early entries” He said whilst distributing the envelopes around the class as they were in alphabetical order. When Becki received hers she ripped the top part open and pulled out the piece of paper. After reading it she handed it to me with a smile on her face. I took it and read that she had achieved an A in English language. I was so happy for her.

“Congratulations” I said whilst wrapping my arms around her. When I removed my arms I saw Jake walk towards my table and hand me my envelope.

“Congratulations” He said with his usual smile on his face before walking away. I ripped open the envelope eagerly and pulled the piece of paper out. I gasped when I saw what I had managed to achieve and looked up at Jake to see him sat at his desk smiling at me. I handed it to Becki so then she could see what I had achieved.

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