Chapter 13

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Hi Guys...

I've been thinking for a long time on an actress that can kind of give you guys an idea of what Miss Brown would possibly look like besides the description of her. Hopefully this is good enough ->

Hope you enjoy :)


I was sat in my first lesson thinking about last night and how Jake had reacted. When I got home my mum asked me how the evening had gone and who the other people were. I answered her questions and then went straight bed. The morning had passed by in a blur and now I was wondering how I’d even got to my seat in English listening to Mr Greenwick drone on and on. I kept seeing Amber turning round and glaring at me. Does she not know that I’m already frustrated. I actually shocked myself when I felt myself start to glare back at her. It’s not my day at all today: I’m still frustrated from last night seeing as Jake thinks he can tell me what to do and I also had this feeling that there was something else that he wasn’t telling me. I don’t understand though why I feel this way I always felt safe around Jake since the second I met him and no doubt I still do but now... it feels like... I can’t describe it... feels like... he’s hiding something from me that’s important and somehow dangerous... but it couldn’t be Jake wasn’t dangerous, yes he illegally races but he wasn’t a dangerous guy... was he? I shook my head to bring me back to reality and so then I could pack up and not be late for 2nd lesson with Jake commonly known as Mr Peterson from now on.

I started to walk towards his room until I heard someone shout my name. I turned around to see Rebekah pushing her way through people walking down the corridor.

“Hey” she said smiling at me. “I shouted you in English but you didn’t hear me.”

“Sorry I’m in my own world lately” I smiled at her as we started to walk towards maths.

“It’s ok... anyway are you going to the meeting today?”

“Ye... but I’m not staying in all lunch I’ll just be there for the meeting and then I’ll go in the library. You can come if you want?”

“Urm... ye ok” she said with a hint of confusion in her voice. We walked through the door of the classroom and I felt someone’s eyes on the back of me. I ignored them and carried on walking to the back corner of the classroom with Rebekah. We both sat down and waited for the lesson to start. Throughout the whole lesson I either looked at my work on the table or out the window just so then I didn’t have to look anywhere near him. I managed to cope for an hour in the same room as him but the urge to rip his head off was rising slowly inside of me. It didn’t make it any better that I could feel him looking at me now and again during class. I don’t know how I’m going to handle 3rd lesson and lunch with him. The bell for break rung causing me to jump out of my seat and nearly sprint for the door so then I didn’t have to be in here anymore. As I walked down the corridor slowly I felt like I was floating through the air but instead I was actually falling on to the floor. I turned around to see Amber and her posse walking off laughing... THAT’S IT. I stood up whilst everyone was laughing and pointing at me thinking I’d run off like usual but today was different. She messed with me on the wrong day.

“AMBER” I shouted. I felt Rebekah at the side of me freeze because she wasn’t sure what I was up to. Amber slowly turned around to look at me with a curious and amused look on her face.

“Me” she said pointing to herself whilst looking around at her posse.

“Well ye you’re the only slut around here that I knows called Amber” I hissed at her. She started to walk towards me whilst Jackson and her posse stayed back so then they could watch as well as everyone else who started to slowly form a circle in the hallway so then they could watch. I stood my ground whilst she carried on walking towards me until she was literally in my face.

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