Chapter 1

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Gladion's POV

I woke up to the wretched sound of the alarm buzzing non-stop. I turned over to my side and slammed my fist on my phone, hoping it would shut off, but knowing me I forgot that slamming your fist on your screen not only does it not turn off the alarm, it also cracks your sensitive ass phone. So I had no choice but to get up and shut it off the correct way. "Why did I ever sign up for this?" I groaned, running my hands through my hair.

I got up and I felt extremely heavy. I walked over to the bathroom and eyed myself in the mirror. Forgot I can't just wake up and look ready to go. I'm not that attractive.

I picked up my comb and began to run it through my hair, clearing up knots and loose strands of hair. I combed it in the usual style I always had it in.

Afterwards I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on the usual clothing wear, my shredded jacket along with some black jeans. I threw on my bookbag and left the house like that, not double checking.

Every morning I forget I don't get on the bus, so when I heard it pass by I got a mini panic attack. Then you know I remembered, I don't get on the bus, I live almost 5 blocks from the school.

I usually pass the time by listening to music, but like I said I don't double check; I left my earphones on the bathroom counter.

I sighed on realizing how stupid I was, what's wrong with just a little double checking, it doesn't hurt. That's the problem though, it doesn't hurt.

I could see Alola High over in the distance. It was so large it would stand over many trees that you would think it's illegal to have a tree that big to the public. I didn't really question it all that much though.

After about minutes of walking I finally reached the school doors. I did get there early so there were little almost no people inside the building. I don't know why I wake up so early if I don't take the bus, I'm just giving up a good opportunity to sleep in a little more.

Well I just brushed it off and walked into the cold dead building. I skipped breakfast and walked directly to homeroom. Well it wasn't necessarily me walking it, it was more like waiting outside of the door because the teacher wasn't here yet.

I pulled out my phone to pass the time. That's until I took a deep sigh looking at the damn things battery percentage.


How unfortunate that it wasn't charging all last night. How amazing. I placed it back in my pocket and just sat there. I'm kind of not regretting bringing my earphones because they wouldn't have any use.

So I have to sit here for who knows how long, I can't check the time because my phone is going to die if I turn it on another time. How nice.

That was when I heard the school bell ring and a whole bunch of voices pour inside of the building. I guess I should have relaxed while I could. I saw Dr. Kat walk up to me in confusion. "Wow you're here early!" he smiled cheerfully.

"I'm always here early," I was really short at the moment. It was early in the morning.

"Haha I know I'm just messing with ya, Gladdy," I cringed at the nickname he called me slightly.

"Please don't call-"

"I just realize your name is name is Gladion. You don't look very glad to me! Haha I'm just messin' with ya buddy!" He laughed, unlocking the classroom door.

I just rolled my eyes at his attitude this early in the morning. I walked into class and sat at the usually seat I saw for homeroom and first. I was about to sleep or nap before a whole ton of loud people begin to walk inside the classroom. "I heard there is a student that got a schedule change and is supposed to be in our homeroom,"


"Gladion don't be a jerk for once. You should talk to him. I never see you talk to people," He said firmly.

I stared at him for a couple of minutes then just rolled my eyes, setting my head onto a desk.

I have no clue why he think I would care that a "new student is coming". Okay let's throw a party for him or her, is that what he's asking me to do???

I guess I should calm down. Its just a new person I probably didn't meet before. I should just let it go.

I saw people began to walk into the classroom and set there stuff down. I would do the same, but since we had assigned seats I usually just leave my things there over night so I don't have to worry about it trying to get myself together. 

I think it may be weird that I have a small gut feeling that this is going to be a rough day.

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now