Chapter 24

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Gladion's POV

"Hau wait a minute... You said you weren't going to get mad...!" I whispered softly.

He just stared back down at me in disgust. I-I understand he's upset, but why is he acting like this? T-this isn't him... He doesn't usually act like this- "I just don't understand why you couldn't have waited until lunch or something to apologize?"

"Well you see... I'm not the patient type of person... When I want to tell someone something, or do something, I tend to get impatient and do it as soon as I want to..." I replied.

Hau looked at the opposite direction of me then down at his left hand. He slowly lifted it up, staring back down at me. "I gave this to us?" Hau asked.

I nodded, "Yea you gave that to me."

"I wonder why...." I heard him softly whisper.

Hau began to softly run his fingers over the ring and just kept on staring at me. "W-what are you doing, Hau...?"

Hau didn't reply. All he did was begin to slowly pull the ring off his finger. "Wait a minute Hau!!!! What are you doing?!"

"Gladion.... You made me loose 3 months of my precious memory... How am I supposed to forgive you?"

"I don't know how you're supposed to forgive me!! But for the love of God please don't take that ring of!!! B-besides you said you weren't going to be mad at me!" I hollered.

"I know I said that... But like you said at the hospital. The reason you yelled at me. I can't keep a promise. You should know that by now."

I can't let him do this. I refuse to. I ran up to him without a even thinking and grabbed him by the wrist and pulling it away from his left ring finger. "I-I can't let you remove that ring, Hau," I stuttered.

"Gladion, I'm sorry, but I have the right to take it off, and end the relationship for a while-"

"For a while? But Hau you can't do that! Y-you said you wouldn't get angry I don't understand-"

"I know what I said, Gladion, it came out of my mouth. I just said a while-"

"And exactly how long is a while, Hau? What if you forget about me?"

"Gladion let go of my wrist, please."

"Wait Before I do so you have to tell me how long a while is-"

"Gladion I'm asking nicely, please let go,"

"I'm sorry... I can't let you fade away from me again, Hau. I'm not going to let go. I'm not going to loose you forever,"


"Hau I'm not letting go!! I swear to god I won't-"

  "Look Gladion! I'm trying my best not to be rude because I'm not technically the rude type!!! I technically don't know who you are, so if you don't let go, I'll have to call the police, so please... Let go..."

I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe out of all the people, it was him, the one person I deeply loved and cared about, probably even after this situation, had to loose the memory of me.

I was still holding onto his wrist, but slightly, even after what he said. I just stared at him, that's it. I felt his wrist slowly slip away from my hand.

I looked at Hau slip the ring off his  ring finger and hand it me. "Just hold onto this for a while, okay? I promise I won't forget-"

"And how do I know that you're not going to just go and break that promise?" I cut him off.

All he did was just stare. He took my right hand and gently placed the ring in my palm. I closed my hand and held it close, watching him back up. "I don't know, Gladion."

That was all he said before turning around walking away from my direction.

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now