Chapter 14

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Hau's POV

"Gladion?" I whispered.

I heard him moan and sink his head farther into my chest. I'm guessing he's still sleep. I think I should wake him up though. It has been almost 2 days he's been sleep.  "Hau...?" I heard him whisper back.

Well I guess I didn't have to. I saw him pop his head out to where I could see it almost perfectly. Gladion is so cute when he just wakes up! "Aye  Gladion you're awake finally!!!" I cheered.

"Awake...? What happened...?" he murmured.

"You fell asleep outside of Sushi High Roller, I didn't know you could fall asleep so easily, Gladion!"

"Hmm...? Hau what day is it....?"  Gladion asked, stuffing himself back under the blankets.


  As soon as I said that, he popped up from laying down and he began to sweat and breathe heavily. I would kind of be doing the same thing if I realized I slept almost a whole entire weekend. "Sunday....?" He mouthed.

"Yup! Sunday! You best be lucky it was raining almost the whole entire day Saturday,"

"Are you kidding me? I waisted a whole entire weekend??? I was planning on spending it with you...." that last part he said was almost impossible to hear.

"Well I already have something we can go to, Gladion, don't worry! I was looking on my phone and apparently there is a really pretty park near here. Like its surrounded with cherry blossom and purple orchid trees there!  There is even flowers on the grass! I thought it would be a lovely place to take you and have a picnic. I prepared everything for it Saturday when you were passed out in bed," I said.

Gladion looked at me like I just asked him if he wanted to go jump into an active volcano. Gee Gladion, if you don't want to go you don't have to- "Yea sure Hau, sounds like you put a lot of work into this,"

"Oh really!! Oh that's great! And it's so close to hear we don't even have to drive! Come one hurry up we gotta go-"

"Okay kid just hold up alright? I just woke up," Gladion said, rubbing his forehead.

"What's wrong? Do you have a head ache or something?"

"Hau, I just woke up, I'm just tired okay, let me go and brush up and we can go alright?" Gladion got out of bed than dragged himself into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

I heard the shower already begin to start. Like does he undress that quick? Well that's not something I should technically be focusing on.

  I don't know what I should be focusing on though. I'm so happy I'm finally in a relationship with Gladion. I've been complimenting him since day one. He's just never noticed me doing it. I guess the only thing I did was compliment him on that Mimikyu drawing he did. After that I guess that's it.

Hala doesn't exactly know where in a relationship yet, neither does Moon or Mallow. I don't think letting then know would change there ways of me or Gladion. Even if it did... I don't know, what if they didn't. Moon and Mallow are the only friends I have, and if Hala doesn't like it.

Hau stop thinking negative. Hala appreciates you, and so does Moon and Mallow. "Hey, Hau we can go know," I heard Gladion close the door behind him.

"Okay!" I leaped up and held his hand.

I grabbed the stuff needed and we were on our way out the door. "So where is this park?" He asked.

"I'll guide you, it's only a few feet away from your apartment. In surprised you didn't even find it yet!"

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now