Chapter 19

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Gladion's POV

Honestly if I got a chance to skip school, I would love it. Who wouldn't to be fully honest? But this isn't what I meant, sitting in the waiting room at a hospital after passing out.

I don't know what happened to Hau, but the only thing I do understand is, he didn't try to kill himself. He attempted to damage his head so badly that he hopefully forgets and only forgets everything that happened after Mr.Burgh called him to see him in his room.

  I feel like if Hau didn't take me away from Hala quick enough, he would've done worse to me or to Hau. Or even say I can't see him any more because really.... I-I can't seem to get this off my mind.... All of this, this whole entire incident, really is my fault.

I was the one who pulled Hau out of class. Damn it why didn't I say something? I got away with it because I was in the clinic. I forced Hau to skip class because I couldn't let myself have him apologize for giving him an emotional breakdown.  I should have just waited. I'm so impatient, this could have all been avoi-"

"Gladion," I heard a voice next to me interrupt me in my thoughts. "The doctor has been calling your name, he needs you," I looked up at him, didn't say a word, but I just followed him.

He took me right outside of Hau's hospital room. "Before I allow you to See Hau, I'm going to explain the injuries he obtained making harsh impact with the tree," He flipped a few pages in his clipboard, then began to talk again.

"Hau has only two broken bones and it's his right arm and his left leg. He has many cuts, scrapes, and bruises following that as well. Now the most fatal injury that Hau has was the back of his head where the memory was in his brain,"

Oh no...

"I am sorry to say, but after many hours of research, we have found that Hau has lost three months of his memory,"

My heart froze at those last couple of words. Th-three months? He lost three months of memory....? When he wakes up, h-he's not going to remember who I am, not one clue.

I tried to keep it under control in front of the doctor, but I just felt it coming. I was shaking slightly and my voice began quivering whenever he asked me follow up questions. I felt like just falling down and bursting into tears right there.

"Gladion, one more thing before I let you go inside of Hau's room."


"I wouldn't say Hau has a big chance of not surviving, but I wouldn't say he has a large chance of surviving either." then then doctor opened the door and allowed me to walk inside.

  That was kind of a dick move to just leave me off like that. Telling me Hau technically has a 50% percent chance of living and the other way around.

I brushed off the situation and I quickly looked over at Hau. He had a bandage around his forehead and a cast on his left arm. He just looked so peaceful... I just hope he wakes up soon.

I pulled up a chair on his right side of the bed and sat down.  I took a big sign and interlocking both of our hands together. "Is it true that when you're conscious, you can still hear what people are saying?" I whispered.

"If that's true, I just want you to hear me say this then..." I pulled my other hand and held his hand closer to mine.

"I know you lost your memory of me, but I think it would help you remember me at least. Is that possible? Would you wake up and tell me you heard me talking to you? If you did I forgot to say I love you before you.... Um... I don't want to remind you.  But I did forget to say I love you, so....u-um...."

I could feel it coming. Gladion don't start crying again... There's nobody to comfort you if you do so. But I just can't hold it in. 

My hands began to shake and I could feel tears build up in my throat. Tears began to fall one by one and I was squeezing his hand tighter. "Hau... Why did you do this...? We could have solved it...!" I stammered.

"I-I know this whole entire situation was my fault. I'm so sorry I did this to you, Hau... I'm so sorry...." I held his hand closer to my heart.

"I-I didn't m-mean for it to go like this Hau... I honestly didn't think it would go this far-"

I perked up when I felt my phone vibrate and ring simultaneously. I quickly removed one of my palms off of Hau and grabbed my phone, answering it and holding it up to my ear. "Hello?" I said, with my voice still quivering.

"Gladion, are you crying?"

"No... Who is this?"

"Its Lillie. I know what happened about Hau. Are you okay?" Lillie asked.

"No.... I-I'm not honestly...." I winced.

"I can tell. You're voice is sounding high and quivery. I was also told the cause of the problem was you're fault. But I'm not mad, nobody is, well, Hala is, but ignore him."

"I know Lillie, but you don't understand. This whole situation was my fault, that one thing I did, it could have been avoided, Lillie."

"I know I know.... G-"

"You don't understand Lillie! I don't have anybody to comfort me about this. When I break down, I have nobody here. Hau forgot about me, I don't have that many friends to comfort me. I-It's just not easy-"

"Gladion..." I heard the voice talking to me change suddenly, it didn't sound like Lillie anymore. It sounded like. "Mom?"

"Do you really need someone to be with you that bad? I still need to make up for all the mistakes I caused. If you want, me and Lillie will come down for you. Will that make you feel more at home? Or should I say, better? I understand this is a bad thing you are going through, and I want to be there for you, Gladion."

My heart stopped. Arceus knows when's the last time I've heard her voice.

"Gladion? Are you still there-"



Guys you have to admit all that happened was really Gladion's fault. He really could have waited. But we're all here for him, don't be mad at Gladion guys, he's been through a lot c:

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now