Chapter 2

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Hau's POV

I looked over at my alarm clock and I sat there wondering. Why does it say it's 6:20 o'clock? Is my time wrong? Did the alarm even go off? Why is it so bright outside? Oh wait! It's not supposed to be bright outside! High school buses usually get here extremely early! I'm late!!!

I get up in a hurry, and I quickly regretted that because I got dizzy and my eyesight went blank for a while. I rushed to the bathroom, I look a complete mess.

I hurriedly began to brush and put up my hair. I washed my face, or you could say I splashed water on my face and dried it off. Brushed my teeth, put on my usual wear of a black tee and (okay look I'm slightly colorblind so if I get coloring wrong please don't yell at me in the comments :( ) green pairs of shorts.

I grabbed my bookbag so roughly I scared my poor Grandpa Hala's Stufful. "Haha sorry Stufful! I'm late to school!!!" I laughed, hoping he wouldn't bite at me or anything.

I ran out of my room and down the stairs. I rushed by the couch where Grandpa Hala was still sleeping with the T.V. showing some weird broadcast I wasn't really interested in.

I finally ran out of the house and realized. How am I supposed to go to school if the bus is gone, Grandpa is sleep, and I have no clue where the school is???

I started hitting my sides and my rear checking for my phone. Then I realized I don't have any pockets and my phone is in the house! The locked house.

I sighed and just, maybe I should just assume where Alola High School is? I mean it can't be that far away!


Finally I'm here. It felt like I was walking for ages. The school was apparently 3 miles away from my house, who would've known.

Well I just better be lucky I got here just in time for first period. Well, off the top of my head I knew I had Dr.Kat for homeroom and first period. All the others got erased off while being stuffed in my bedroom somewhere for a whole week.

That's when my heart skipped a beat because I don't even know where Dr. Kat's room is. This school is gigantic and there are even elevators inside of it.

I saw almost nobody in the hallway and it was pretty much dead. I didn't have any luck finding anybody to tell me where this teachers room is, or who my other teachers are.

Well, I guess the best solution to my problem is not to just stand here clueless, maybe walk around the school and pray to Arceus I find the right classroom.

On the bottom floor it seemed like there weren't any classes here. It looked like it was just the cafeteria, library, front desk, that's about it. I don't know where the stairs where and I didn't know if we were allowed to used the elevators.

All the sudden I froze when I heard footsteps creep up behind me. I could've sworn nobody was following me, I wasn't near a bathroom and all the other rooms didn't have people inside of them.

I turned around extremely slow. My heart was racing and I think my brain refused to let me see who was walking behind me, so I quickly cocked my head forward and continued walking. "Hey! You the new kid? Hau right?" Somebody called out.

I let out a sigh of relief, just hearing a voice like that one I felt safe, knowing it wasn't some demon chasing me down or a kidnapper.

So I turned around and stared at the boy that was apparently searching for me. Oh man and when I say stared, I gazed upon him.

I swear I couldn't take my eyes off of him! Every step he took my heart began to beat even faster. I tried my hardest not to even show a hint of me blushing towards him. Not even the slightest.

Finally when he was only arms length away from me, I glared up at his emerald like eyes. Almost like they where replaced with rare emeralds. They where gorgeous. Wait a minute, rewind, this is a straight up dude I'm saying all that about. "Oh yes that's me! I'm kind of lost and I have no idea where I'm going," I replied, placing my hands behind my head.

"No wonder you took so long, first period is already over, Dr.Kat sent me to get you, since he put us in the same... Classes," He sighed. Gee does he not like me already? We just met.

I brushed it off and folded my arms instead. "Well then it's second period now right? Why is the building so empty?"

He gave me this look and I was extremely confused. Did I say something wrong? I don't think I did. I don't know maybe he gets easily offended or something. "It's not empty, everybody is just on the second floor, nobody really uses this lower floor except for evacuation, the cafeteria, and other boring stuff I'm not interested in,"

"Oh... Well has second period already started?!" I jumped.

"Yes it already started, I told you that walking up to you,"

"Wait a minute no you-"

"Are you just going to stand there, or do you want to be even more late than you are now?"

Well I was about to answer that question, than I realized it was rhetorical. So I hopped in the elevator with him and pressed the button taking us to the second floor.

The ride was mostly silent, but it would be awkward making a conversation with this guy. I looked up at him again without even noticing myself doing it and began admiring him like I did when he first walked up to me. From the side-shot of him I could see both of his eyes. His hair looked so soft too, but I don't know how something could look soft, wait yes I do.

I think he felt me staring because he shot me a really unsatisfying glare. Of I looked away quickly I would have just blushed and embarrass the heck out of myself, so I shot him a smile and waved friendly.

He just rolled his eyes and looked back as the elevator began to open. Well he wasn't joking when he said it was jam packed on the second floor. Wait he didn't say that. "Keep up, there's a lot of people on this floor, obviously," you know I never asked for his name. I feel like if I did though, he would say it in a rude manner. "Hey what's your name?" I blurted.

I think I was just saying what I was thinking. Because that just came out of nowhere, honestly. Well Hau thanks for "Gladion,"

He responded. It almost gave me a heart attack because it was so sudden. Well I guess I learned a lesson.

Don't judge a book by its cover

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now