Chapter 11

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Gladion's POV

As soon as I walked into my bedroom, the one and only thing I could really focus on was just relaxing. I know we got given a lot of homework last period, but I was just too worked up and exhausted.

I don't even know why I was worked up, but I know why I was tired as hell. Why wouldn't high school make you tired??? You wake up at 4 or 5 o'clock for school, but at least we get off at 2.

I plopped onto my bed and just layer for a while, I was trying to ignore Silvally begging me for food, but I love him too much to do that.

So of course I got my lazy ass up and walked over to my cabinet and grabbed a small apple. "Here you go buddy," I said, tossing it over to him.

He caught it and gulped it down then began to beg for more. "Silvally do you want to get fat? I can't keep feeding you-"

Knock Knock

What? Who knows where I live? "Yes?!" I yelled before opening the door.

I opened it and I immediately jumped back in surprise. "Alola Gladion-"

"How do you know I live here????" I barked, cutting him off before he could finish.

"Moon told me! She said just walk, or what I did was drive, 5 blocks away from the school. So you know what I did? I drove to the school then-"

"Hau, why are you here?"

"Oh! U-um, I was just going to take you to Sushi High Roller..." I heard him fade away and began to state down at the ground.

"Why? I'm not hungry," I replied.

"Gladion!!! You don't even eat that much!! You're skinnier than a branch don't tell me you're not hungry!!!!!!!"

"Okay, I don't like Sushi,"

"They don't only sell sushi there Gladion!!!"

"Hau it has the word 'Sushi' in the name,"

"Okay!!! Your name is Gladion but I never seen you happy before!!!!"

I took a step back farther than him and it took everything I could not to tell at him or do anything physical physical to him.

I saw the look on his face, he was terrified, like he had said something extremely wrong. There was so many things I wanted to say. I had to let it out, I can't keep all of this in.

"Y-you don't know why I'm never always that happy! You know I have absolutely no family here? My sister and mom are across the world from me! A-and my dad... I don't even know where he is! He just one day for sucked up by some random ass hole that appeared up in the sky and took him!!! I am the only one here, when I'm upset, all I have is Silvally and sometimes I can't just talk to a pok-"

Gladion... Not again. This is worse... What have you done.

You made him cry tears...!


"I-I know y-you don't eat a lot... I just wanted you to eat, Gladion. I-I-I just wanted you to e-eat Gladion."

"Hau...? No I didn't really mean to make you cry-"

"Gladion I am always trying to be so damn nice to you but you never ever take it! I apologized for something, I didn't do anything in that situation, Gladion!!! Y-you don't like me at all!! A-all I am to you, I-is just some lousy student that you have to guide ar-round, and forget about after a while-"

"Hau please stop crying, I didn't mean to make you upset. I sometimes I can't control what I say, that just came out-"

"How do I know if you're telling the truth? H-how d-do I know you're not just lying!"

I sighed, I unfolded my arms and slowly slid both of my hands on the side of his head.

He looked up at me in this emotion I couldn't describe. Was it the feeling of hurt? Was he getting calm....? I don't know, seeing him cry like this made my heart race and I felt like crying myself. It just hurt me so much.

"I wouldn't lie to somebody I care about..." I chuckled, whipping his tears away.

"You care about me...?"

"Uh... Yea... I just, never got to tell you, because I'm just really, really difficult..." I sighed.

"Well, maybe you are slightly difficult, but not everybody is perfect, but somebody could fit all of the characteristics that one person enjoys, and be perfect to them," Hau smiled.

Hau... I didn't know he could be like that. I never expected in my whole entire life someone would say something to me like that, not even my own mother...

I slid my arms down to Hau's shoulders and fell forwards to lean into his shoulder.

That's what I thought I was doing of course!!! I felt like something was wrong, my face began to feel extremely hot, and not because I was blushing or anything, I was getting relatively close to Hau.


I cut him off incidentally as I locked my lips with his.

I just stood there, with my hands grasping onto his shoulder. I didn't break away immediately. I leaned in closer and I felt his hand run through my hair.

I didn't mean to do this, it wasn't supposed to end up to way. Because of that I broke it up, it wasn't on purpose, it wasn't intentionally. It was an accident. "Gladion...?" I heard him whisper.

"T-that was an accident!! I didn't mean t-to-"

"Calm down."

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now