Chapter 8

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Gladion's POV

I have no clue what Dr. Kat's problem is, but giving me a detention for an unexcused tardy maybe a little too much. Well, I don't know in my opinion. I'm just glad his classroom is finally over and I don't have to deal with him anymore.

He changed so quickly on me, I used to be his favorite student now I feel like I am his least favorite student.

Who cares anyways, I still have 6 more teachers that like me, a lot. Dr.Kat isn't anybody special. He- "Gladion wait up!!!!" I heard a familiar voice hollered.

I cringed slightly and I was afraid to look behind me. Good thing I didn't need to even do because somehow, with all of these people here, he managed to catch up with me.

I looked to the side seeing whoever this kid was calling my name, then "Alola Gladion! I just wanna say-"

"Don't wanna hear it," I cut him off, walking faster.

"No no wait I'm trying to apologize!"


"Look Gladion, I admit I did take it the wrong way at the cafeteria and I'm sorry. I have only known you for only for 3 hours, plus 1 if you want to count homeroom and first period. I know you think of me as some new student you just help out then leave them after a while. I understand. I promise I won't bother you anymore. I just wanted to apologize first," and he walked off after saying that.

I don't know what it was... What he said in that apology... Or what he apologized for. Nobody ever apologized to me. Ever. And the fact that he didn't even do anything wrong was what made me feel really bad.

I don't want it was, what was going through me at that moment, but I felt extremely...Guilty.

There was no way I could catch up with him with all of these people. He was gone now. I had to look for him, I had to tell him it wasn't supposed to be him apologizing. "Hau?" I almost whispered.

Come on Gladion you can't get him like that. Yell louder damn it! "HAU?!?" I yelled louder.

Give up Gladion there is no way he could hear you. This crowd is way to large, give up and wait for lunch per- "What Gladion? I heard you yell!! Did something happen?"

He heard me? That doesn't matter right now. He's here!

I grabbed him by the wrist and darted my way away to the stairs leading downstairs. He was yelling and asking me what I was doing, or was I insane. I just ignored him and kept on running.

That's until we finally got outside and I made sure to be in a place where nobody could find us skipping 2nd period.

I was almost out of breath and I was breathing so hard I almost ran out of breath. I felt even worse then I did when I was running my ass back to school because I overslept.

I leaned against the wall and tried to catch my breath, but it didn't stop me from trying to say what I was trying to say. "I..." I paused taking another puff of air.

"I'm sorry..."


"You shouldn't.... Have apologized,"

"Gladion I can't understand you when you're breathing uncontrollably! Calm down!" Hau hollered.

"'re trying to tell me calm down?! I just ran almost through the whole Damn school to get you out here, Hau!!!!!"

"Oh wel-"

"I don't even know why you're apologizing Hau!!! I... I caused you have a literal emotional break down, that's why..."  I don't know what's happening. My heart was racing, I was breathing heavily, maybe it was because I was running so much, o-


"What?!"  I shouted.

I saw him lift his hand up extremely slowly. I began to stare at his hand, then back at him.

He had such a worried expression on, I wonder why, I'm always so rude to him... That's when I felt warmth hit my cheek and I jumped only slightly.


He had his hand cupped on my cheek, rubbing his thumb slightly below my eyes. "What are you-?"

"You need to calm down, you're going to pass out," He cut me off.


"Regulate your breathing Gladion,"

"Why are y-"

"Gladion please... You're going to pass out... Calm down..." Hau whispered.

I gave him a look of anger, but he didn't budge. He stood there, looking me with the same bland expression. "I know I shouldn't be getting this close to you, but you really needed to calm down, who knows what would have happened if you passed out,"

I just stood there in shock, still staring deep at him. I think he did take the message and he finally removed his hand. I don't know if I really wanted him to do that... I didn't remove it... I didn't even yell at him.

I realize my breathing was regulated and I was no longer sweating and my throat wasn't strained for yelling so much.

"Do you need to go to the Clinic? I'll take you there, I'll even help you home if you need it-"

"No, I've had enough today, kid,"

And I walked off.

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now