Chapter 20

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Gladion's POV

After the phone call with my mom, I was at the hospital for about another four hours or so. They had to force me out of the hospital becaus I refused to leave him alone by himself. Who knows, what if that heart monitor was becoming slower, or even stopped.

Silvally was waiting outside my door because we ditched him when Hau took me in Hala's car and drove off. He was pretty happy to see me, but I just couldn't be in a good mood right now. Or ever, it's just a lot that's going on.

Lillie and Mom are coming to visit me, but they're almost days by flying away from me. Moon and Mellow are most likely pissed at me for doing this to Hau... I don't necessarily believe her though. I know if I wasn't me right now and I was best friends with Hau, I would absolutely despised with myself. I could still be myself and hate me for what I cause-

"Gladion?!" I heard someone speak. "Gladion open the door!"

I was really confused on who it was because I haven't heard that voice either not ever or just in a while. I knew it wasn't Lillie or Mom, but they had to know who I was because they knew my name.

I got up slowly from my bed and two the door. Silvally started to growl extremely loud. "Silvally calm down, it's probably people I know,"

I turned the knob and opened the door. I saw Sun and Moon standing in front of the door. "Sun-"

"Don't ask where I've been, because that's not important right now and you know it, Gladion," Sun interrupted.

"But why are you he-"

"Lillie told us that you told her you where alone, so until your mom and Lillie come down to Kalos, we will be your company," Moon smiled.

"Thank you, but I-I don't necessarily want compan-"

"Don't lie to us Gladion. I would want company if something like this was going on. Especially if I knew the situation was caused by me."

"You don't have to keep bringing that up, Moon..." I sighed.

This isn't really going all that well. They weren't helping at all. They where just adding on to the stress I was already dealing with before. I feel like Lillie and my mom wouldn't be any different either, they would just make it worse. "Gladion?" Moon said, all the sudden her voice changing to a concerning tone.

"What?" I barked.

"We are really trying to help you out, Gladion. Its not good to leave a person going through a stressful situation by themselves completely. We really just want to help you, if you're feeling upset you can talk to us before Lillie and your mom come here," She finished.

That's the thing. I want to be alone, I want to be upset by myself, but at the same time, I want every person I know to be here with me because I don't want to be alone.

I don't know what I want right now. I want Hau... To be... Okay. "Hau I'm so sorry it's all my fault..." I whispered.

"Gladion? I think you may have to sit down-"

"How am I supposed to tell him? When he wakes up? He's not going to forgive me like he did last time."

"Gladion don't think about that right now-"

"He's not going to forgive me. If I tell him he would hate me for making him forget 3 months of his life, he won't be as kind to me because he doesn't know who I am. He didn't love me like he used to back then... What am I going to do?"

"Gladion.... Tell him what-"

"Tell him how he became unconscious and forgot 3 months of his life!!! He's going to ask, Sun. He's going to ask why he was in the hospital after whatever he did 3 months ago. Wouldn't you ask? Then if I give him the answer..."

Don't do it Gladion. Don't cry in front of them. I can't contain myself, what I was about to say. "Gladion... I-I think you might have to relax you're going to pass out-"

"W-what if he wakes up, a-and doesn't remember me. O-or perhaps ever love me again..."

"Well.... Don't say that Gladion. You don't know he may remember you," Sun spoke.

"That's not how things work, we aren't in a love story in which he only remembers me, that's just not how it works," I replied.

I sat down on my bed and examined the ring Hau gave me. All those things he had promised me. All those broken promises... He's not going to remember me, like me, or...

            Or love me ever again...

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now