Chapter 22

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Gladion's POV

What have I done. I am always so high strong. Why can't I just calm down. I yelled at him. I scared him, he just wakes up and a stranger almost breaks both his arms this time. That expression he gave me when I did that to him. I just wish I wasn't easily angered. Hau didn't mean to break that promise. I'm guessing he said that so it would make me feel better, but it made it worse.

I was kicked out of the hospital because I was trying to get back into the room with Hau. I was yelling at hollering at the doctors and they had to get security to get me out. I wasn't back in to visit Hau anymore. I don't know when he's going to heal.

I wish I could predict what happens before I do it. Think before I take action. Gladion you're such a fuck up. I swear I will never forgive myself for what I did to Hau, now I can't even see him anymore.

He doesn't even remember who I am... He thinks I am some random ass stranger that tried to almost injure him and snap him in half.

Why do I keep doing this to my self. I keep doing things, then I get a bad consequence that effects me vastly. I wish I could just learn from the mistakes I've been recently makin- "Gladion?" There goes somebody always interrupting me in my thoughts.


"I'm sorry you can't see Hau until he heals... Good news is I heard he was going to be let out in about half an hour!" Lillie hopped.


"Gladion? Aren't you happy? Don't you want to see him?"

"Yea I want to see him."

"It doesn't sound like you want to. IS it because of what just happened about a couple of minutes ago? You know Hau feels really bad for you right?"

"No he doesn't, he doesn't even remember me."

"He may not remember you, but he still felt bad. Do you know what that means? He wakes up after the last thing he did 3 months ago and some stranger is yelling at him for a lie he didn't even remember telling you. He admit to being horrified when you got really close, but he feels bad for you Gladion. After all you did." Lillie informed.

He feels bad? I don't believe it. I know Lillie almost never lies to me, but still, I just don't believe her. If some stranger did that to me I would be terrified too, but I wouldn't feel bad for making him cry.

"Gladion... We all know how sweet Hau can be, especially you. I know if you guys just talk maybe you could get back together-"

"Then what was the point of giving me this ring. So he could go and try and kill himself then fucking forget me?"

"Gladion I wish you weren't always thinking so negative, deep down I really think Hau loved you. You just have to be patient." Lillie promised.

I sighed. Lillie isn't in my place right now, she doesn't know how I'm feeling, or how much stress is running through me right now. I wish she would just leave me alone sometimes...

I heard the doors to the hospital open up and I quickly cocked my head towards it. I saw my mom, Sun, Moon, and Hau all walking out the door.

Me and Hau both began to stare deep into each others eyes for a while. I just brushed it off, rolling my eyes and looking at the opposite direction. "Gladion?" Sun spoke up.


"Look... You're kind of the only person that knows Hau... And we all besides our parents. You kinda... Uh... Love on your own... So could you possible let Hau-"

"If you're going to ask for me to keep him at my apartment, then no, I'll pass."

"Come on, Gladion! Why are you being so cold! Nobody did anything to you!"

"I did...." Hau whispered, looking down at the floor.

Hau. I can't stand him. He is so sweet and I just can't let him go knowing he was the reason for my shit mood even though he didn't do anything.

I walked a little closer as my expression changed immediately to sorrow. I realized, he doesn't remember me as being his boyfriend, so I can't do all that much. "You didn't do anything wrong..." I grunted a little before gently grabbing his arm.

"You can stay with me, just don't make a mess okay, kid? I'm pretty sure I just vacuumed after Sun and Moon left." I scoffed.

"O-okay...." He said softly.

Why did he sound so afraid? Oh wait. I'm fucking dumb.

I opened the passenger seat door for him and allowed him in. I went on the driver's side, said all my goodbye's, started the car then drove off.

He was extremely quiet and he never spoke a word to me, nor did he ever move from looking out the window. "Hau..." I gently spoke.

"Yes?" He quickly responded.

"Uh... Are you, scared of me? I kind of understand if you are... I was just... Really.... Upset..." I trailed off.

  There I go again making the car ride awkward.

"No I'm not scared of you. It's just I don't know you and you're driving me to your house. What you did in the hospital room was kind of all me..."

Not this again. Here Hau goes, blaming himself for something he didn't do. Apologizing for the wrong thing. "It wasn't you Hau. I just hate when you apologize for the wrong reason. It's just I get upset extremely easily, and I happened to take it out on you," I took a deep breath before talking again.

"You know... This may be odd but... I just haven't done this in so long..." I hesitated.

I took one hand of the wheel, with my eyes still paying attention to the road. I gently placed my right hand on top of his head and began to softly pet it.  "I-I'm sorry if it's bothering you... I just haven't-"

"It's okay, if it makes you feel better. I don't necessarily mind either..." Hau interrupted, lying down on the arm of his seat.

Hau... He's different. I just know he is. I wouldn't wake up and immediately trust some guy that looked like they where about to kill me. I would especially not want t9 to home with that person either if I barely knew them. In fact I wouldn't let them even touch me or get near me. But it's just... Hau... He's so sweet... He can't poss-

"Hey um..."


"Oh... Right... Anyways. You told me I used to be your boyfriend, right?"


"Well... Then can you answer me this? Honestly? You wouldn't lie to me right? Because you seem like you care deeply for me, so be honest,"

"Alright. What are you going to ask me?"

"How did I loose 3 months of my memory?"

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now