Chapter 18

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Gladion's POV

We finally arrived at Hau's house after about three and a half hours of walking. I didn't want to wake him up because I felt like he was going to get really scared waking up in front of his own home, but I had too, like he said, things will get better.

I placed my hand on his shoulder gently shaking him and calling his name out softly. "Hau, you have to wake up, we're here..."

He opened his eyes slowly without moving another muscle. "What...." he grunted.

"You have to wake up, we're here, Hau," I said, cupping the side of his face with my hand.

"Oh.... Yea... I almost forgot..." he sighed.

"Do you need help getting o-"

"HAU THERE YOU ARE!!!!!" I heard a big voice holler from the inside of his house.

I turned around only to see Hala rushing towards us almost faster than Silvally. Because of that I got out of his way immediately so I wouldn't get immensely crushed by him.

Hala yanked Hau off of Silvally and began to hug him harder than a Bewear. "There you are Hau! Why did you go running off from school like that!? You've gotten me worried sick young man! You know you have police officers looking for you and you've been all over the new-"

"Grandpa..." I heard his voice quiver. This is where it begins. Where things get worse. I just heard it in his voice. Even if I couldn't hear it in his voice I just know he's about to burst into tears.

Hala put him down and slapped a confused look on his face. "What is it Hau? Why did you run away?!" Hala quietly shouted, if that makes sense.

Hau began to shake and his voice was trembling, even though he wasn't speaking. You could hear the failed attempts of him trying to talk. 

He slid his bookbag off of his arms and in front of him to easily slip out the Referral he received. "W-well y-you s-see, I...." he was stuttering so much, his voice couldn't be heard clearly.

He pulled out the sheet and was slowly handing it to Hala. He was terrified I could tell, but like I said I couldn't necessarily do anything about it. If I touched Hau, Hala would scold me about it.

  Hala quickly snatched the paper from Hau's hand and began to examine it. His expression changed so quickly after done reading it. He kept on looking at it, but we both could tell he was furious.

"You got expelled?" he mumbles, but it was loud enough for us to hear.

"Gr-grandpa j-just let me explain-"

"Why where you skipping class." he cut off, getting a tiny but closer to him.

I looked at Hau, he looked bat at me. We both agreed that the reason why he got expelled wasn't his fault. "Hala it wasn't his fault. I pulled him out of class to apologize to him ab-"

"You're the person that got Hau expelled."  he was beginning to get extremely close to move.

"Grandpa no! Please I know it's his fault but don't hurt h-"

"This guy got my grandson expelled from school and you don't want me to handle him? Why do you care for this mess up anyways?"

"Don't call him that, Grandpa. He's been through a lo-"

Hala completed avoided every word that emitted from Hau's mouth. He rushed over to me but I tried to back away. I felt him tug on the collar bone of my shirt and his face get extremely close to mine.

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now