Chapter 25

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Hau's POV

I don't even know where my house is. I'm so upset I just don't think. Right now all I'm really doing is just walking away from Gladion's apartment. I'm getting slightly nervous because minutes after I left his house, the weather has been changing vastly.

The clouds became awfully grey and its becoming extremely and dangerously windy. It also felt like the temperature suddenly dropped greatly. It's never usually this cold in Alola... It's kind of freaking me out because I'm lost and it looks like a freak storm is about to hit.

I'm such a mess. I know what happened to me was Gladion's fault, but he pulled me out of class for a good reason. He didn't do it to just skip class, or do some sort of drug, he did it to apologize for what he did wrong. I even heard he was sent to the clinic for passing out, which means he was extremely stressed about the situation and it was just too much.

And how much he was crying when I had asked him how I lost my memory... It was like he was going to do more than just pass out. He was screaming at the top of his lungs because he was so worried and afraid I wouldn't forgive him as easily as I did before I lost my memory.

It seems like Gladion deeply cared about me. And seeing me wake up after a month, I'm guessing, and totally ditching him. I'm such a horrible person... I don't even deserve anyone like him- "Absol.." I heard a small grunt.

I looked off to the side and spotted a Absol hiding behind the bushes. "Hey what are you doing here? I didn't think Absol would be found here."

The Absol had looked up at the sky and then back at me. That's when it grunted again and ran off into the woods. As soon as that Absol ran off I began to feel all fuzzy. I've heard this somewhere... Like when your hair st- "HAU!!!!!"

Before I could see who was yelling my name, I felt someone wrap their arm around me and holding me extremely close. I heard the noise of lighting crash almost right above me. It sounded so close it made my heart skip a beat and sink farther into the random person holding me close.

After that he had let go, and I could finally get a good look at his face... And just as I said I didn't deserve someone as great as he was... "Hau I know you don't even know where you're going. Are you that idiotic??? Do you not know if you are feeling fuzzy or if your hair stands up you need to move immediately?? That's 3rd grade science!" He hollered.

"I'm sorry... I just wasn't paying attention..." I slumped.

"Plus I saw that Absol. If you see an Absol that definitely means bad news. You better be lucky Silvally had to use the bathroom just about now, because you would be dead,"

"How did that lightning bolt not hit us?"

"You weren't listening to a single word I said. My umbrella is made out steel so it took it in. Well I have to go-"

"Wait don't leave me out here! I-I don't know where my house is... I'm lost..."

"Not my problem, Hau..." Gladion mumbled, continuing to walk away.

"I-I know it's not! I just don't think clearly when I'm upset!"

"I can tell."

"Look... Y-you don't have to be so rude okay? I just had mixed emotions about you causing this whole situation,"

"That's cool. Did you know that almost everyday I cried because I thought you where going to die while me not being in the hospital? Did you know I promised myself I would just end it all of you did wind up dead? Then you're reported alive and you treated me like shit, think about that kid." He turned around to speak clearer.

"Also, you technically have nobody else that loves you as much as I do. Your grandpa Hala is in jail because he attempted to kill me before you took me away. You don't even have access to your house. So if you somehow did manage to find your way there, you would be stuck outside. Hau, after all you did to me, all the pieces my heart has broken into because of you, I still saved you from being struck dead from lighting, think about that for a second."

I... I'm such a terrible person. I treated him like garbage... And for a straight month he cried everyday because he was worried I would leave him for good. I don't think I-I could ever forgive myself for treating Gladion like I did.

I heard Gladion take a deep sigh and wipe away a small tear I didn't even know was falling from my eye. "Come on kid," he softly said as he began to walk back from where he came.

Little droplets of rain came one by one. It was only seconds after that the rain became an extreme downpour. "We've got to hurry up, I heard it's supposed to be a lightning storm, luckily we're not that far away from the apartment," Gladion spoke.

I just nodded and tried to keep myself dry and warm. He wasn't sharing the umbrella, and I can understand... What I did to him... God I didn't even deserve to be saved, especially by him.

"Hey Hau," Gladion called. "I hope things get better between us."

I just nodded.

"Me too."

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now