Chapter 9

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Gladion's POV

Thank Arceus that Mr.Burgh had a substitute. Who knows what consequence he would have given Hau for being late to class. I didn't show up because I was at the clinic, so I was excused, but Hau, I don't know what he would have done to him. For all I know he could have given him an Out-School suspension.

I wouldn't forgive myself if he did, Hau doesn't look like a person that would get punishments like that.

Well I shouldn't be focusing on that, it's Lunch period and I should really just focus on eating, since I don't necessarily eat that often. "Hey would you mind if I say next to you? Mallow is sick and she had to check out early," I heard a familiar voice spark.

I looked up and saw Hau, hovering over me with, for some odd reason smiling, a plate filled with food.

He say next to me without even letting me answer, but I knew it would be rude not to let him sit next to me, and I would feel extremely guilty to see him sitting alone. "I bought a lot of food because I heard you didn't eat a lot, I know the cafeteria food isn't all that great, but not eating isn't really the answer!"

  He picked up a green apple and cleaned it off with a napkin. "You should try this! I like all types of apples but green is my favorite because they're really sour," He smiled.

"Uh, I'm okay, I don't really like apples,"

"Oh then what about these grapes, they are really hard and it took me a while to find ones like that-"

"Sorry I just don't like eating food at the cafeteria," I interrupted.


Then he didn't say anything after that. It just became awkward. That's until you know, he started another conversation.

"Wow am I lucky Mr.Burgh wasn't here today, I don't know what he would do if he knew I skipped class," He rested his head on his hand and twirled his fork around in his plate. "He seems like such a nice guy, maybe I shouldn't be so worri-"

"Hau, if Mr.Burgh knew you skipped class, he would have given you a referral and Out-School Suspension, Burgh is really strict when it comes to disciplines,"

"What...?" I heard him whisper, I hope I didn't scare him. 

"Don't worry, I don't think the substitute wrote down your name anyways,"

"You think so? I don't know, substitutes usually are really dumb, they don't know anything," He chuckled.

Arceus what did I do to deserve this kid. He just keeps on talking to me. I don't look approachable and I don't seem that nice, but he just never gives up. I don't really deserve somebody like him, maybe I should tell him to stop talking to him period so I don't say another rude thing to him.

Maybe I should just give him a chance. Usually when I say one thing or look at somebody the wrong way, they avoid me a- "Gladion..."

I know what's about to happen, he's going to tell me something serious, or tell me how bad of a friend I am, or try to say 'I don't want to be friends with you' in the nicest way possible.

"I just want to say this without it being awkward o-okay?"

"Uuh o-"

"Look, at first when I met you... I um... I thought you where really... Nice,"

He thinks I'm nice...?

"You seemed like a person that wouldn't like somebody like me because I'm the complete opposite from you, I didn't think you would like me, but I learned you're actually really nice, and kind, and sweet when you want to be,"

"I never knew I could lov-" He clasped his hands over his mouth and almost lost his breath on the last words.

I couldn't make out what he was going to say, but I think he didn't mean to say it because he looked immensely embarrassed.

"U-uh never mind that! I was just about to make things awkward, again. Well I have to go Gladion, I'll see you tomorrow okay? Bye!!" And then He was off.

I stared at him as he ran off into the distance. Stupid kid forgot I have all periods with him.

Then I remembered, when Hau had called me nice, nobody ever called me that... Ever.

My heart began to flutter when he said that, I don't k is Hau just may be different... I feel something I usually don't feel when I'm with hi-

Oh wait...

Oh no...

Do I?

Do I like Hau?

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now