Chapter 26

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Gladion's POV

I'm glad we got into the apartment before the lightning storm had gotten extremely bad. This storm really hit Alola out of know where. A place like Alola, we almost never get storms like these. I'm just glad Hau and I are both safe.

I don't even know why I'm doing this for him. He's been such a jerk to me. He shouldn't deserve anything in return. But I can't just leave him outside in a storm like that.... It was just... Wrong.

I looked over to Hau who was shivering vigorously. I heard his teeth chatter slightly and I was guessing that the reason why he was freezing was because he was soaking wet. And a person like me... I just can't leave him like that.

I sighed and got up from my bed and walked towards the bathroom to grab a towel and hair dryer. I kneeled down to his level and handed him the towel. "Wrap this around you, it's the warmest towel I could possibly found," I said.

"What's the hair dryer for?" Hau asked.

"What's a hair dryer used for, kid."

"I know that, Gladion... I meant why do you have it out?"

I didn't respond. I plugged the hair dryer in the nearest outlet and sat on top of the bed with Hau facing the wall. I started up the hair dryer at the highest and hottest possible setting. "If I burn you, know I didn't do it on purpose," I stated.

"And plus, don't you feel a bit warmer? I saw you where really cold," I finished.

"Gladion..." I heard his voice shiver slightly.


Hau didn't answer me right away. He started to shiver like he did before I gave him the towel. What's wrong with him? I thought he was getting war-


The hair dryer cut off and I could almost feel the lightning bolt that crashed only inches apart from my apartment. The lights shut off and all you could hear was the sound of pouring rain and lightning off in the distance. "Shit." I mumbled.

I unplugged the hair dryer and set it to the side. It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. This is just great, I can't see shit and I'm guessing my phone is nearly dead.

I tried feeling my way around the place because it wasn't necessarily that large. I began to open up random cabinets and draws trying to find a flashlight. That's when I realized I don't have a flashlight.

I sighed and slammed the drawer closed. "I'm so fucking stupid," I mumbled.

"Gladion... Do you not have a candle?" Hau whispered.

   "Of course I don't have a candle, I don't prepare because I'm fucking dumb. We're just going to have to sit here in the dark, If you don't like it, there's a door right next to me," I grunted.

  After I had said that it became quiet. All you could hear was the sound of rain viciously hit the wood. I walked in the bathroom and grabbed a hold of another towel. I threw it gently on top of Hau's head and began to dry his hair. "It's going to be cold, so you need to be as dry as possible,''

I felt Hau suddenly grab my right hand. It felt shaky and he was beginning to breathe indifferently. " Gladion...." He mumbled.

  "What the hell are you doing?" I hollered, yanking my hand away.

"Is that... My ring?"

Shit. He felt it. He knows I wear his ring on my right hand. He's going to think I'm obsessed with him. But I may be... Its either that or I just don't want to loose him ever again. "Uhh..."

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now