Chapter 15

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Gladion's POV

I woke up this morning to Hau continuously shaking me to death because I almost overslept again. It was only about 30 minutes over my alarm clock, but I've learned to deal with someone just as caring as him.

"You went to bed early, Gladion. How do you still wake up so late?" Hau smiled, already fully dressed too.

"It wasn't necessarily 'so late' Hau. It's only about 30 minutes over my usual alarm setting,"

"Oh well that's still late! Come on Gladion get up! You only have about 20 minutes to get ready and in high school years, that's not a lot of time," Hau smiled.

He shoved me into the bathroom along with my grey sweater and some jeans. Well I guess I'm going last today, it is a Monday anyways. Nobody usually dressed properly for that shitty excuse for a day.

So, I slid on my jeans and put my sweater on and adjusting the strings on it. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then walked out of the bathroom, the only thing I needed was my bookbag and shoes.

Hau... It's like that kid can read my mind. Because when I walked out of the bathroom, guess what he had in his hand...

Well, no use to just staring at them. I slid my shoes on and put the straps of my bookbag over my arms. After all that was done, we headed out.

"Damn it..." I shouted almost.

"Gladion! Language! What did you forget something?" Hau had asked looking up at me.

"Yea... My phone and my earphones..." I sighed.

"Well, I would let you listen to my music, but...." I heard him trail off.

I looked down at him and he began to feel his back and front pocket. I'm guessing that he also left them in my apartment.

I rolled my eyes followed with a chuckle and gently pet the top of his head. "Oh Hau.. What am I going to do with you..." I said quietly.

It was quiet the rest of the walk. With small mentions of tiny pokemon running about and how when I fell asleep Hau stayed up past 12 eating all the Malasadas I didn't finish while at the park.

We got to the school finally and just in time for my Monday detention I got from Dr.Kat the other day, or friday, you know what who cares when I got it anyways.

I was actually quite thankful that he came with me to go to detention. I mean, he isn't necessarily going to detention with me, he's just dropping me off and waiting in front of the door for me.

But right now that's not the point.

I walked into class and I was about to wave good-bye to Hau, but that's when I saw Mr.Burgh in the classroom as well.

Both me and Hau where extremely confused. "Ah Hau, kind of you to show up early to detention, but not for class eh?"

I looked back at Hau who looked extremely terrified. I wanted to calm him down, but I couldn't, Mr. Burgh wouldn't let me do it.

"Yes, your name was written down for the substitute on Thursday for coming to class extremely late, don't think I'm going to let that pass," He said.

Hau stood silent. I saw his mouth open, but Mr.Burgh cut him off before he could speak another word.

"Excuses can be saved for later, join me in my room please,"

And he left alongside Hau.

"That's it, am I correct?"

"Yes... That was the last time I saw him sir, I-I swear, w-word for word...." I stuttered slightly.

"Are you sure he's not in In School Suspension, sir? Or isolation?"

"Positive. We scanned the whole entire building. Thank you for the information you gave us, Gladion."

He paused, taking a deep breath and grabbing all of his belongings.

"If you do happen to see him again, inform us immediately,"

  Without another word, the police made his way out the room.

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now