Chapter 4

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A/U Yes I did make Burgh the art teacher because in his bulbapedia page it states he is an artist!

Hau's POV

Well Art class was already ending. That was so quick! It felt like it was only seconds ago I remade up with Mallow, but I guess time flies when you're having fun.

The next period I had was, well, lunch. I kind of knew where the cafeteria was so I went off without Gladion guiding me.

I wanted to feel bad but I kind of didn't. Before Art started it sounded like he didn't want to guide me, he just did it for teachers orders.

That kind of made my heart sink a little, does he hate me? No he can't hate me I haven't done anything bad to him. Does he dislike me? Well probably.

All those menacing glared he gives me... I'm starting to think he doesn't. That just makes me sad... I didn't do anything to him. I smiled at him, acted friendly, I even complimented him on his drawings. They where do pretty and good. You know... Just like h- "Hey Hau!!! What are you thinking about!!! Snap out of it we are going to run out of seats!!!" Mallow yelled, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"O-oh sorry I just lost track! I'm coming!!!" I said running after her.

We both sat down at a nearly empty table and I was starting to question her internally because the table we sat at was almost empty and she's hear yelling at me So the seats don't get taken but okay.

I didn't really like the lunch food all that much, so I would usually give my food to Mallow because she loves eating.

I glared around the cafeteria because I really didn't have anything else to do, that's when I made a mistake of making direct eye contact with Gladion.

Dang it Hau, why. We just kept on staring at each other. I looked at his lunch bag and I saw that it was really greasy. I wonder what he was eating.

I felt bad that he was sitting near a wall all by himself eating, so to break the awkwardness, I smiled and signaled him over to me.

He twisted his nose up and shrugged. Well that's what you get for trying to be nice to someone like that guy... I just turned over to Mallow and watched her chomp down on her food. "Mallow please you're going to get hiccups!"

She quickly swallowed a big lump before scolding me for scolding her. Her eyes opened up wide when she opened her mouth.

I was a little confused but I felt an abnormal amount of heat sit right next to me. I quickly turned to my side and it Gladion. He actually wanted to sit next to me.

I wanted to say something, but I smelt some so good in that white small lunch bag he had. It smelt so familiar, it smelled so sweet. Wait, I think it know what it is!! "Malasadas!!!!! I didn't know you liked them too Gladion!!!" I smiled, just so eager to ask him for it.

"I don't, I just bring them so nobody asks me why I don't eat," Gladion replied.

He doesn't eat? He is kind of skinny but not like, unhealthy skinny. I kind of feel bad if I asked for it, because I want him to eat. "If you want it you can hav-"

I cut him off right there and shoved my hand in the bag, snatching that thing up and stuffing it immediately in my face.

I felt his arm violently grab the arm that I was using to stuff face with the Malasada's, he put his arm on my shoulder and yes... that made me extremely red.

He removed the food from my mouth and I was still devouring it inside. "Hey calm down you're going to get hiccups!! You're so quick to tell people that they'll get hiccups, but how fast you're chowing down you could get hiccups or worse, choke!" He scolded.

I looked up at him, his hand still on my shoulder. It was like it was a couple of minutes ago, staring deep into each others eyes

It was even more awkward because I was flustering harder than ever. I couldn't help but smile when he was staring at me. He was so beautiful, I don't feel ashamed for saying that.. He was perfect.

I saw him get angry and He became even more red then I did. That's when he shoved me and removed both his arms. "L-look kid its not like that, Damn it why is everyone taking it the wrong way!!!" Gladion yelled, walking to a table far from us.

I didn't mean to make him upset. I'm so stupid. Why can't I just shut up. But I didn't say anything. Maybe I should have not stuffed my face, or even asked him to come over. I sighed deeply and laid my head on the cafeteria table.

Hau, what are you going to do with yourself?

Every time I typed Hau in the first chapters it autocorrect to gay lol

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now