Chapter 17

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Gladion's POV

Expelled? There's no way this could be happening. Hau can't get expelled. I can't let this happen.... "Gladion...." I heard him whisper quietly.

"How am I going to tell Grandpa Hala this?" his voice quivered.

I pulled him in closer and laid my chin gently on top of his head "Maybe you're over exaggerating Hau. Maybe he won't get mad at you," I replied.

"He's going to get mad at me, Gladion. I know he will...."

This guy, I can't say anything to cheer him up. I can't blame him though. Usually I wouldn't be upset if I got expelled from school because I live near none of my family and they honestly wouldn't care or so anything. It's the same case for Hau.

"Gladion, today's Monday right? Did you smile today?" I heard him whisper.

It took a look for me to not jump up in anger. How on earth could I be smiling right now? My boyfriend is in an immense state of depression because he doesn't know how his grandfather is going to act about him getting expelled from school! I can't even force myself to smile at this point either! "Gladion... Did you-"

"Hau I don't know why you would expect me, the hardest person to even crack a smile, to be happy in a situation Like this one. I just, can't be happy in a time like this," I explained.

I heard him take a deep sigh and sink farther into my arm. "I understand," he quoted.

"I guess sitting here hiding won't help things get better either, eventually I'll have to tell Hala and learn my consequences for my actions eventually..." he rose up from my arms and rubbed the side of his head.

"D-don't worry, Gladion, things will get better once I tell him, promise!" he smiled very slightly, like it wasn't even there to begin with.

I stood up and held a hand out for him to hold and keep his balance. "Can you walk properly? You can ride on Silvally if you want," I offered.

"Y-yea, I was running for a while. I've got a huge headache also..." he mumbled.

"Is that why you took your hair down?"

He nodded his head only slightly. Hau grabbed his bookbag and hoisted himself up onto Silvally. "Before we go," he said.  I saw him reach for his pocket and pull out two small yellow bands. He gathered up all his hair, putting back up like it was. "I do have a big headache, but it's also really hot in Alola, that's why I can't wear it down..." he said, laying on the back of Silvally's head.

I ran my head through the back of his hair gently. "You tired?" I asked.

"Yea... I was running a lot, I didn't necessarily stop until I got to the forest of your house..." he mumbled.

Poor kid... He's been through so much... I wish I could do something to help him, but I feel like anything I do would just make everything worse. He just looked like he was exhausted and beaten up. Well, emotionally beaten up. H- "Gladion...." I heard him mumble.

"Remember what I said... I will always be there with you.... Don't forget... I-.....I said everything will get better. Maybe not for me, but you won't have to worry about anybody anymore..."

"W-what are talking-"

"No matter what I'll always remember you. I'll force myself if I have to."

"Hau wha-"

"My house is 3 hours away from here by walking, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Gladion. I love you," Then he drifted off to sleep.

"Hau!" I shouted only slightly.

But he was fast asleep.

I sank my hand farther into his hair grinning at the sight of how beautiful somebody can really be.

"I love you too, Hau...!"


I know this isn't related to the story but I love her so much I caught her as a pichu yesterday, and it tooled ages to get her to max friendship

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I know this isn't related to the story but I love her so much I caught her as a pichu yesterday, and it tooled ages to get her to max friendship.

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now