Chapter 21

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Hau's POV

"Guys come on stop fighting... Now what if Hau wakes up to you two bickering? You want that to be the first thing he hears?"

What's this...?

"Well I told him to stop stealing mints from the restaurant next to us and now he's banned from it for a year,"

Where am I?

"Look I need my breath fresh. I don't needs Hau thinking I had bad breath back then okay, Gladion,"

Where is grandpa Hala?

"No unconscious person who lost 3 months of their life is going to wake up and sniff the hell out of your nasty ass breath, Sun,"

Who are these people?

"I see where Gladion gets all the cursing from,"

How do they know my name?

"Gladion you curse?? Since when!! You are only seventeen!"

How did I wind up here?

"No I don't curse! Lillie stop giving me away!"

I want to wake up... But it's so difficult...

"Lusamine, you're kind of late, we all know Gladion curses,"

All these voices. Who are they? I'm almost freaking out, I don't know these people, and they are all surrounding me.

I slowly began to open my eyes and saw three people who looked like family, and then another two that looked like they where just friends of that one family.

When I sat my head up everybody got quiet and stared directly at me. I was getting really freaked out because a whole bunch of people I had no clue who these people where. "Uh... Hi-"

"Hau....?" one with a grey sweatshirt whispered.

"I recognize your voice.... Where you talking to me about a couple of months ago?" I replied.

His eyes grew wide in response, then he began to smile slightly. "Yes that was me!"

"You said something like you where sorry... Sorry for doing what? You said it so many times. Also I don't know if you caught some allergies but... You're words were sounding really quivery and choppy... After some time talking to me. Sorry but that's all I remember.... About you of course..." I sighed.

I feel like I shouldn't have said that. It looked like his heart shattered. It looked like he couldn't do anything because all his friends and family where there. And to break in to an emotional break down like that one in a hospital is really embarrassing.

"Gladion are you okay...?" I'm guessing his mom asked.

He didn't do anything but stare, even after his mom called him. I saw him looked down at my right hand, then back at his. 

He had a ring on. Was he married? To who? He looks so young though, I wonder who he was married to- "Your ring," he stated.

When he said that I immediately looked at my hand and saw a small shimmering ring on my ring finger. Wait does that mean I'm married to him?

It's such a beautiful ring though. I know it's plain... But still, it's really pretty. I think I- "That's the promise ring you gave me," He finished.

"A promise ring...?" I questioned.

He walked closer to me and gently picked up my left hand. He ran his hand on the surface of the ring. "You gave it to me..." he softly spoke.

"I did.....!?"

"Yes you did. You told me you swore to god you weren't going to forget me. You swore you would always remember me, and he there for me even if you weren't there,"

I lied to him. I'm so known for that. I make promises I can't keep. I swore to Arceus and above I wouldn't forget this kid... And I did. I forgot him. I don't know who he is. For all I know I could be married to him.

How do I tell him I don't remember. I don't want to hurt his feelings. This isn't working out. I'm stuck. I don't k ow what to do. I-i just can't flat out say I don't r- "Hau, you don't remember him... Do you?" One of them said.

I looked back up at the guy that was holding my hand gently. I saw it. There where tears about to fall of I said those three words. I just knew it. I can't make somebody like him cry. I feel like I did a crime if I made him cry.

"Come Hau, tell the truth. I promise he won't be mad..."

I didn't believe her. She was lying. I looked up at him and his expression. I can't. I can't just tell him bluntly. I-i "I don't remember you..." I blurted.

As soon as I said that he began to shake. He quickly let go of my hand and put his hand on the side of his face. Tears began to pour rapidly down from his eyes. "You lied to me," his voice shook.

"W-what are you talking about-"

My speech was cut off when he had slammed his hands and grabbed my arms firmly. "You lied to me! Don't make a promise you can't fucking keep!! You-"

"Whoa Gladion easy! Hau is still healing-"

"Why would you make a promise of you know you can't keep it. You know I was crying every single fucking day thinking you where going to die and I couldn't even say my last words-"

"Gladion get off of him!!!! You're scaring him!!!" one of them yelled, pulling him back.

She was right. I was horrified. I wake up and some random guy is yelling at me for something I didn't purposely do.

When he was being forced out of the room, he looked at me. With tears non stop pouring from his face.  And the last few words he said before being pushed out of the room...

"I never knew the person I once loved, would ever tell a lie to me."


For those who read my recent chapter, the about me. I am ok!!! But i would rather not talk about it because i want to completely forget. But hope you did enjoy this chapter because I think you guys will really like the next ones!

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now