Chapter 13

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Gladion's POV

I hate sushi! I should have just said no! Dang it Gladion! Maybe Hau's right, maybe isn't the only damn thing they serve in the restaurant. "Gladion why are you sweating? We haven't even walked in yet!" Hau said, looking up at me.

"Uh, when I say I don't like Sushi, I-I really mean it Hau," I stuttered slightly.

"Well Gladion, if it was that serious, I wouldn't have taken you. You should have said something about that, Gladion."

Tch. Did he just say I should have told him about it? Okay, Hau. "Uh, Hau, I kind of did. I told you multiple times I didn't like sushi, I just said yes to make you feel better," I replied, scratching the back of my head.

  I feel like I shouldn't had added that last part because I feel like he would take it too literal.

I guess he didn't care all that much about what I said because he began to scan the area, I'm guessing, for another restaurant to take me to. "Gladion," He said.

I didn't reply because how he said my name was short, like he was angry or upset. All you could hear was the rustle of the palm trees and sounds of birds up in the sky.

I was extremely confused, he didn't move or call my name again, he just stood looking off to the side. I was almost terrified to look at what he was deeply gazing upon because I thought it was some big ass pokemon or some other unidentified creature. "What Hau???" I asked, almost hollering in confusion.

He still didn't move a muscle. I decided to look his way, but I didn't see anything. Is he going insane? Why isn't he moving a single muscle?! "Hau why are you just standing there?! What is it?!" I yelled at him this time, I didn't want to, but he wasn't listening.

He closed his eyes and reached out a hand in the direction he was looking in. "Hau what on earth are yo-"

"Do you ever feel like something that went missing from your life, finally showed up?" Hau questioned.

"What? Hau what are you-?"

"Are you missing something, Gladion? And then all the sudden that hole inside of you fills up?"

Before I could question him again, I felt his hand intertwine with mine. Hau pulled his arm outwards turning me in the same direction he was looking at. "Hau-?"

"Do you like it when I hold your hand?" He cut me off.

With the tone he had right now I wouldn't expect him to still be smiling. It was small, but he was still happy. I did feel slightly happy when he did hold my hand though... Like my heart was beating slightly faster than usual. "Gladion, you have to answer honestly, if you don't, I'll let go,"


I looked over to the car, where Silvally was staring both down. Dumb pokemon.

"Yes...?" I almost whispered.

"Good! One more question, how does it feel when I do this?" Hau said in a cheerful tone.

I burrowed my eyebrows in confusion, then I felt his palm cup the side of my face. He was gently rubbing his thumb under the side of my eye.

I couldn't lie to myself. His hand felt extremely warm and soft. I liked the way his fingers sunk into my hair .

I felt something, I don't know what it was, but it was like.... Something missing, finally showed up.

I put my hand on top of Hau's and sunk my head closer in his palm. "Gladion!" I heard Hau almost holler.


"You smiled...!" Hau lowered his voice and held tighter onto my hand.

  What? For how long? I didn't realize I was doing that. Damn it.

"No No! Don't go back to frowning! Smile again it was really cute!"

"L-look kid that's not how it works. I can't just smile on command-"

"I understand, I bet I'll see you smile all the time after I asked you this," I felt the warmth leave me cheek and he unraveled our hands.

He put his hands behind his pocket and looked up at me with a bright smile. "I had this with me the second day you guided, well sort of, guided me around the school. It may be a little obsessive, I know. You know the saying, Love at first sight? Yea I used to think that was dumb, but now I'm having second thoughts,"

I saw him pull some type of black small box out of his pocket.

"I know I can't technically ask you to marry me because it wouldn't be a good relationship if I just started out with marriage, and we are also too young, but Gladion," he opened up the box, and it was a small, but big enough silver ring.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

What? I-is he being serious...? Is he asking me out...? This can't be happening. This has got to be a dream. Come on Gladion! Don't make him just stand there and make it awkward. Respond! "Yes....!" I whispered

"Gladion what was that? Gladion don't cry-"

"Hau yes!!!" I cried.

"What! Really? I didn't expect you to say yes!!" Hau smiled.

I felt his hand wipe away the continuous amount of tears that I was crying. For once, I felt happy, my heart was beating, I was smiling and I didn't want to stop. "I bet you're asking what the rings for right?"

He picked up my left hand and held it gently in his hand. "It lets you know, that I will always be there for you Gladion. It shows how strong out relationship, and how much nothing, no matter what, no one and no thing can tear us apart. That ring will always remind you if me, and how I will never forget about you. If that makes any sense... But you get it right?" Hau laughed.

He slid the ring onto my left ring finger, then put it in his.

"Gladion?" I heard him say.

I looked back up at him after examining the silver ring. I saw him reach out his hand and gently lay it on my cheek. I sunk my head inside his palm and put my hand on his.

"I love you," he smiled.

I stared up at him, then followed that with a smile.

"I love you too!"



That was a long ass chapter, I stayed up late for you guys because I had a concert yesterday! Shows how much I love you dorks. Well I feel like I'm gonna die if I don't post this. Oh and I have a charger that charges while I use it so no more phone problems!

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now