Chapter 12

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Hau's POV

I know what happened about two minutes ago was a little unexpected, but hey a guys gotta eat you know.

Both me and Gladion where sitting side by side on his bed. He had his head laying up against my shoulder and his arm tucked under mine.

He was completely freaking out about what he did. He said it was on accident but he still enjoyed it. It took him a lot to calm him down, but I did it somehow. I guess I have a lot of patients when it comes to dealing with Gladion.


I felt his head raise up slightly. I guess to speak clearer.


"Can we go to Sushi High Roller, I want you to eat something," I asked.

I heard him sigh and drop back further onto my arm, "I don't like sushi, Hau," he sighed.

"It doesn't only have have sushi, Gladion! Have you even tried sushi before?"

"Well... No but-"

"Gladion!!" I popped up , making him almost fell face flat into the bed. "You can't hate something if you've never tried it!!!!"

"I heard it has raw magikarp in it, Hau that's gross..."

"Okay but like I said!!! Sushi isn't the only thing they serve there!!"

"Hau I'm not really that hungry-"

"Gladion please! Cross my heart that you'll enjoy the food they have there!"

He sighed and got up. I saw him look over at Silvally who was fast asleep, then back at me. "Fine, but we have to take Silvally with us-"

"Really!? I didn't think it was going to be that easy to convince you!!!! Silvally can ride in the back, we can also take him inside it won't be a problem!"

"O-okay Hau, calm down, let me just get his leash and we can go,"

What! I didn't know I was going to convince him. After the last time her was going to say no I was just going to forget about it.

I love that he trusts me more than anybody else he knows. He told me that when he was freaking out over accidentally kissing me. Well that's the thing, just because I kissed, I can't really say we are in a relationship...  I want to say him because, "I really really like Gladion..."


"What? Are you ready?

"No that's not it..."

I sat there for a second thinking. I don't really notice things that quickly. What could he be talking about. Wait.

"Y-you heard what I said, didn't you...?"

"Yea I sorta did hear everything you said, well almost everything, I heard that last part. Did you really mean it though?"

"Uhh yes.....?"

After I said that it just got quiet. He walked in front of me and and stared at me for a while. Then I saw him lift up his hand and seep his fingers deep in to my hair. "W-"

"Silvally not here!!!!" I felt him grab me by the waist and turn me the opposite way of Silvally.

I heard him make this wretched noise then water hit the floor, wait, oh my Arceus, he threw up.

Gladion put me down and immediately rushed over to his pokemon. "Damn it Silvally!!! I knew you where eating too much!" Gladion scolded.

"Is he okay...?"

"Yea he's okay, its just he doesn't know how to stop eating, he can still go. I just have to clean all of this up..." he sighed, grabbing a towel.

"Sorry about this Hau, after I clean this up and wash my hands we'll go okay? You can go wait in the car if you want, he did throw up a lot...." He sighed.

I just didn't responded and I walked out of his apartment. I went to the car and started it up to put on the air conditioning.

Hau you really need to learn how to talk in your head! It's a bad habit! I don't know how I think outside of my head, who do I get it from, my dad??? I don't know, but I n- "I'm done Hau, we can go now," I saw him wave, getting closer to the car.

That quick? I mean, it was kind of a lot that Silvally chucked out! But okay! "Sorry for leaving you in the car for so long, it was a lot as you can tell, but he's feeling better now as you can tell, he's bouncing all over the place,"

"It's not problem, but you didn't leave me in the car that long though, it was only about 2 minutes," I smiled.


After that, I started up the car,

And we were off.

It Matters, or it Shatters (A Hau X Gladion Story)Where stories live. Discover now